Bob Jackson
November 11th, 2012, 01:48 PM
I am currently project free and feel it might be time to update my MAC OS to the new Mountain Lion OS X 10.8.
Using an early 2011 -17" MBP laptop computer.
Will it recognize the SXS card, will the log and transfer, and xdcam browsers all work?
Using FCP 7
I have read newer version of OS X might not work on older computers.
Anyone with my setup using all latest software?
Kevin Spahr
November 12th, 2012, 10:08 AM
I have no problems at all and I'm using the same setup - it works great.
Dave Farrants
November 12th, 2012, 10:25 AM
Simple answer is to clone your current drive, then update. If you get any problems you can revert to the clone and be back up and running with a guaranteed working system within 30 minutes or so. I clone my FCP 7 setup around once a month, I can't be in a position where it doesn't work or has glitches, Time Machine is OK but it's not as easy to revert a system back to a working setup as a clone drive. Try "Super Duper", the basic version (free) will clone your current system and give you peace of mind.
Bob Jackson
November 12th, 2012, 11:55 AM
thanks Guys
Olof Ekbergh
November 12th, 2012, 02:18 PM
Always a good idea to BU before installing major or minor updates.
If you have had any problems lately. It is not a bad idea to do a clean reinstall, but if everything seems fine then go ahead.
I always repair permissions and repair discs with disc warrior before updates. It can prevent problems.
I have a 2012 MBPretina 10.8.2 with FCPX 10.0.6 and all the XDcam stuff from Sony as well as CS6 suite. I use a Thunderbolt to SxS adapter to transfer SxS cards, everything works perfectly and is very fast.
Robin Probyn
November 13th, 2012, 02:05 AM
Are you using the Sonnet exp card adaptor with TB to down load your cards?
I had read that 10.8.2 was breaking the sonnet SXS drive ..? 10.8.0 had been ok but the 10.8.2 was NG..??
Bob Jackson
November 13th, 2012, 06:04 AM
Updated the OS system.
When I try to install new SXS drivers etc all i get is
“SxS Device Driver Installer” can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer."
Where do I go from here??
Dave Farrants
November 13th, 2012, 06:14 AM
System Prefs > Security & Privacy > General > "Allow applications downloaded from:" > Select "Anywhere", install then change setting back to Mac App Store.
Olof Ekbergh
November 13th, 2012, 08:04 AM
Are you using the Sonnet exp card adaptor with TB to down load your cards?
I had read that 10.8.2 was breaking the sonnet SXS drive ..? 10.8.0 had been ok but the 10.8.2 was NG..??
I am using:
Sonnet Echo ExpressCard/34 Thunderbolt Adapter - SONY and ARRI ALEXA SxS Media Reader
I was having problems now I just tested an import. It locked up my MBP both using XDcam Browser and FCPX 10.0.6...
I downloaded the latest drivers from sonnet and now everything is back to working perfectly.
Bob Jackson
November 14th, 2012, 08:46 AM
System Prefs > Security & Privacy > General > "Allow applications downloaded from:" > Select "Anywhere", install then change setting back to Mac App Store.
all up and working