Renton Maclachlan
November 10th, 2012, 05:21 PM
The project I'm working on was filmed in SD.
Working in Vegas Pro, I'm not confident about the resolution of some of the images and was wondering about whether they can be smoothed out at all. I Have Boris RED which has UpRez in it and have also looked at Video Enhancer.
The issue arises because some of my Green Screen footage which was done in good light etc, once the chroma key is applied etc seems to have jaggedy edges in the Vegas preview sceen. I've tried blurring the edges, but there is a difference between the four CK tracks/images I have.
Does anyone have any experience in improving the resolution of SD? Is it possible?
I've thought that I may need to render out to DVD and see what the final end result is...and whether I can rely on what I see in the video preview window...
Gerald Webb
November 10th, 2012, 06:15 PM
Heaps of ways to do it with varying results.
Fwiw, I find that b4 you do anything to the footage, you want to start with the best you can possibly have.
So before keying I would drop your sd footage into an After Effects 16bpc comp of the same size as the raw footage. Render it out uncompressed or to Lagarith lossless codec (if you have cineform, and use it).
Re important the footage then apply Neat Video with advanced settings for-
Filter more on edges to remove compression and sharpening artifacts.
Render out to same codec as before.
Now comes the scaling, as mentioned before, if you have Cineform use hd link up sizing, it's scaling algorithms are the best I have found. At worst, just use Vegas then compare to Boris red, see which is better to your eye.
It's a lot of work for minimal gains but there is no real way to make sd look like hd.
Good luck
Ken Plotin
November 10th, 2012, 08:59 PM
Are you sure this isn't a problem with the chroma key itself? Don't know what format your SD footage is in (DV, component capture,etc.) but DV is notoriously difficult to key cleanly. Are you using the keyer in Vegas? I find the one in Boris Red MUCH better with many more options.
Upscaling the raw footage as Gerald suggests BEFORE keying might give you a slightly cleaner edge to start with. You would have to upscale the BG footage as well, and do the comp using a HD project template
in Vegas, but it just might be worth it.
Hope this helps.
Renton Maclachlan
November 11th, 2012, 01:15 AM
Thanks Ken. My project is in DV... .avi.
Three of my CK tracks are keyed with Boris Red and I agree it has more flexibility than the Vegas CK. However on the 4th track Red just couldn't get it right, whereas Vegas did it first time, far superior in this case. It seems like Vegas CK can handle a darker green screen better than Red can. It was an interesting discovery...However I did put the Boris 'BCC Correct Selected Color' on before doing the vegas CK...
Anyways...I've finally rendered out my project to avi, and will now render to something else to put it on youtube privately for some people to have a look at...
May pursue the UpRes thingi but not at this stage...
I suspect the jaggady edge is because of the Vegas Preview resolution...
Juris Lielpeteris
November 11th, 2012, 02:05 AM
The jaggedy edge is because of DV video have four times lover chroma sampling frequency.
Renton Maclachlan
November 25th, 2012, 12:44 PM
Just an update on this: I've rendered out without uprez the section of the project I've been working on and viewed it via a projector screening to about a 2m wide image, and also yesterday on an LCD screen of about 36inch. I was really pleased with the clarity especially on the LCD, and this included the pan/crop sections where I zoomed in. Clearly the concerns I've had, resulting from what I have been seeing on the Vegas preview screen, are unnecessary...