View Full Version : Had to share: BH Photo 0% on C300 !!!

Caleb Reynolds
November 9th, 2012, 02:54 PM
Canon C300 Zero Percent Financing (

I almost can't believe it. Sounded to good to be true to me. I still can't afford it unless I sell my cars. BUT I know some of you will love this!

Jim Martin
November 10th, 2012, 12:49 PM
This has been in effect since October 1st with all the Cinema EOS dealers.....

Jim Martin
Cinema EOS dealer

Jim Giberti
November 10th, 2012, 01:58 PM
We were initially excited about the program from a business standpoint. If Canon announced a 60p upgrade before the first of the year, they'd get our business and that of a lot of other production houses. There are a lot of us (the vast, unwashed outside of Hollywood) that love the look and ergonomics of this camera, but simply can't invest in new systems without at least a 60p option.


Jim Martin
November 10th, 2012, 02:44 PM
At this point, Canon has heard multiple times over the last 9 months about the 60P request. Whether that can be done or not in a firmware upgrade remains to be seen. The firmware upgrade that I thought would be released at this time has probably been pushed to sometime in the 1st quarter 2013 at best. What's on it no one knows....

Jim Martin

Jim Giberti
November 10th, 2012, 05:10 PM
Thanks Jim. And I don't want to sound like a squeaky wheel, but I also don't want to switch everything to Sony this year, we'd really like to continue to shoot with Canon.

We've looked at 1-DCs as our other option but of course there's none of the ergonomics of the C300 or even C100 and it doesn't have the 50mb codec.
A lot of us were waiting for Canon to put all of the features we need in one camera like Sony has, so we could stay with them.

But if what you say is true, we'll miss the Canon boat as we have to pull the trigger on new cameras by the first of the year.

From my experience in the industry, if Canon had the option in the works they'd announce it before their 0% lease expired to appeal to all of us that would like to purchase them. They've announced the firmware upgrade for the 5DIII a half year in advance.

Jim Martin
November 10th, 2012, 07:17 PM
I told that exact thing to the key Canon person....."like the 5D III firmware update coming in April, you need to announce asap that a firmware is coming soon that includes x, x, and let people know so they can plan". He understood and would talk with Japan about it.

Jim Martin

Paul Cronin
November 11th, 2012, 11:48 AM
Jim thanks for sticking by the current Canon owners and passing the word to Canon.

Caleb Reynolds
November 12th, 2012, 11:23 AM
I would like 60p also. Only because some of my competitors can shoot 1080p 60p and get that "full hd" slowmo. Even though most end consumers can not see the difference between 1080, and 720.

It seems to me that Canon is always updating something. Kinda like my Mac!

Jim Giberti
November 12th, 2012, 04:06 PM
" Even though most end consumers can not see the difference between 1080, and 720."

End consumers don't know a lot of the differences about a lot of what we do.

But the clients that pay for our high end production are very aware of the difference.

In a world of 120p 1080 and beyond for some affordable production cameras, the lack of 60p is pretty egregious in a pro least for many of us producing every day.

I'm very confident that Canon has heard that loud and clear.
Now let's hope they can deliver.

Paul Cronin
November 12th, 2012, 05:23 PM
I agree Jim if I shot 720p I would loose 2/3 of my client base.

Sean Finnegan
November 22nd, 2012, 05:53 AM
As much as I like the idea of Canon bringing 1080p60 capability in a firmware update I just don't know how realistic it is. A part of me thinks that the C300 hardware simply can't support that output. I may be wrong here and I certainly hope I am, but I've been under the impression that it's a limitation with the Digic DV III chip. Does anyone know for sure?

Wacharapong Chiowanich
November 22nd, 2012, 09:57 PM
I too think it's the limitation of the hardware or the IP chip in particular. If the existing chip could somehow be "pushed" to process the 50/60p data stream then I'm pretty sure the limitation lies in the cooling system. The processing throughput of 50/60p will have to be higher, if not significantly higher, than that of 24/25/30p even if Canon decide to maintain the output bit rate at the recording of 50Mbps in the same XDCAM format.

When the C300 first came out, Canon unlike Sony or Panasonic, had no higher end markets to protect. They sure could have gone up to 60p if they could with their finished hardware.