View Full Version : Workflow with Premiere Pro CS6

Trevor Dennis
November 7th, 2012, 02:19 PM
Just wondering how people import their MXF media into Premeire Pro CS6? At the moment, I am moving the .mxf video files out of their containing clip folders and into a single named folder; selecting the clips I want with Bridge, and importing those. I have been doing this for several weeks and all appears to be well, but I am obviously not making use of the other files in the clip containing folders.

I have tried using the Media browser in PremPro on intact clip folders, but the View As drop down shows MFX as greyed out.

Doug Jenson stresses the use of XF Utility in his XF300/305 DVDs, but everything appears to be working using my current workflow. I'd still like to know if I am making trouble for myself.


Todd Mizomi
November 7th, 2012, 06:30 PM
I've been using XF Utility to backup the cards to my hard drive, then in Premiere using the Media Browser to navigate to the backup, switch to View As MXF and importing the files that way. Seems to work for me, especially when I have longer clips that span several folders

Trevor Dennis
November 7th, 2012, 07:26 PM
Thanks Tod. I wonder why my View As > MXF is greyed out then? This is for folders as they came from the camera, but _not_ via XF Utility. I'll try using XF Utility and see if Prem Pro will play nicely that way.

Todd Mizomi
November 7th, 2012, 07:42 PM
I used to copy the folders over to the computer manually, and would run into issues where the MXF viewing option in the media browser was grayed out like you said.
Since I started using the XF Utility to copy the cards to the harddrive, I no longer have that problem. I'm guessing that the Media Browser in Premiere needs to see a very specific file structure in order to allow the View as MXF function.

Al Bergstein
November 17th, 2012, 11:53 AM
I use the Canon XF utility.
Export To MXF into a project folder (i.e. 2012_FooProject)
Rename files as I export. I love this feature of the utility. (i.e. 2012_FooProject_001)
Ingest directly into PR6.
I avoid Bridge, as it seems, even from Adobe's POV to be oriented more towards stills than video. The metadata put into Bridge is not always consumed by Pr. Adobe or a third party needs to develop a better overarching metadata management program for both stills and video. Between Bridge, Prelude, Lightoom, and Pr it's a mess. (Adobe admits as much on their support boards, and constantly says "put in a feature request for xx). It should be an Adobe endeavor. They still don't seem to understand who video production really works in the real world. FCP didn't either but the third parties had made enough tools to make it very useful.