Marco Maiello
November 7th, 2012, 06:09 AM
Maybe I'm not in the right place but I would like to know if there are good dvd and commercials video tutorials about the direction of photography. I would like to study new methods!!!
Thank you for helping me :-)
Brian Drysdale
November 11th, 2012, 05:52 AM
Not cheap, but you could check out the Kodak Master's series Cinematography*::*Instructional Videos*::*Books & Videos*::*The ASC Store (
I notice that some seem be online Kodak Master Class Series: Lighting Dances with Wolves - YouTube
Justin Carlson
November 19th, 2012, 10:29 PM
A good free resource would be from Shane Hurlbut (Hurlbut Visuals (
He's a well accomplished DP who shares a lot of how he achieved certain shots in the movie's he's worked on. John Brawley's pretty good too (johnbrawley | ramblings of a cinematographer ( He was one of the first guys with a Black Magic Cinema Camera.
Ken Hull
November 24th, 2012, 12:08 AM
The American Society of Cinematographers has some excellent tutorials on their website. Go to ASC: The American Society of Cinematographers ( and select the "Friends of the ASC" section. You have to be a "Friends" member to access most content. The $100 membership was well worth it to me (you get other benefits besides tutorials). But you should be able to see some sample content for free.
-- Ken