Greg Bellotte
September 15th, 2005, 07:43 PM
I'm looking for case and tripod options...I've not had a camera this big before and looking for a few recommendations. I like portabrace but not sure what model the hd100 will fit in. On which tripods would I need the JVC adapter plate?
Has anybody actually seen the AB or IDX power systems available anywhere yet?
I love the bleeding edge of technology...
Jiri Bakala
September 15th, 2005, 08:07 PM
Portabrace will have a carrying case and likely shoulder case as well for the HD100 at some point. When they do, it WILL fit.
You don't need the adapter plate for any tripods, however, it will make your life easier. I'd look at Miller, Cartoni Alpha, Sachtler DV or 6, 8 and similar. Manfrotto (or in the US Bogen) doesn't use true liquid heads, it's friction and it's nowhere near as good or usable as the before mentioned tripod systems. That's why it's cheaper...
Stephen L. Noe
September 15th, 2005, 08:11 PM
What's your price point?
Tim Dashwood
September 15th, 2005, 08:17 PM
I think JVC is selling a black version of the portabrace specifically for the HD100. I saw it sitting at my dealer's office the other day.
I'm not shooting run-and-gun documentary with it yet, so I opted for the more robust Pelican 1600 case. I need to remove the viewfinder and mic when I put the camera in, but you can drive over it with a dump truck!
Greg Bellotte
September 15th, 2005, 08:20 PM
nice work on the foam in your 1600. did you cut that yourself or is there a hd100 inserrt yet?
Tim Dashwood
September 15th, 2005, 08:40 PM
nice work on the foam in your 1600. did you cut that yourself or is there a hd100 inserrt yet?
No. I traced the HD100 outline from the life-size image in the brochure to a piece of paper. I then cut that out, placed it on the foam and outlined it with a sharpie. Then I just plucked away at the pre-perforated foam. It took about an hour to do two cases, but it was fun.
I'll have to modify it slightly when my AB Gold mounts arrive.
Dave Beaty
September 15th, 2005, 08:50 PM
As for travel cases, I called Porta Brace and they have several cases that work now. The Traveler cases are available and you can search their web site with "GY-HD100U". The CTC-3 will work with the Anton Bauer add on or wide angle option and you can get a custom HD100U rain slicker as well.
The camera will not fit on our O'Connor 1030B without the JVC adaptor, which we are still waiting on. It does fit on the prosumer tripods with proper screw head.
Dave Beaty
Werner Wesp
September 16th, 2005, 03:06 AM
I think JVC is selling a black version of the portabrace specifically for the HD100. I saw it sitting at my dealer's office the other day.
It would sure be nice to know some more about that...
Craig Donaldson
September 16th, 2005, 03:32 PM
I eventually found a bag to take my camera with idx batteries and radio mic and viewfinder left on the camera. Have a look at the LowePro 'Lens Trekker' 600AW.
This bag is tough enough and can be carried as 'take on' luggage.
I also have a Pelican 1620 case with the cutouts but it is seriously a bit of overkill.
I wish JVC had made the whole viewfinder/top mic assembly able to be removed easily. Camera would fit so many more options.
Keith Winstein
September 16th, 2005, 07:07 PM
We're using the Porta Brace DVO-2U case (, and it fits the GY-HD100U very well and very snugly.