View Full Version : Say No To Vertical Videos
Keith Dobie October 24th, 2012, 05:49 AM I saw this posted to Facebook and had a laugh. Thought you all might enjoy it too. I have explained to friends why shooting videos vertically with their iPhones isn't right, but they forget and keep on doing it! In the future I'll just get them to watch this video.
"Say No To Vertical Videos"
Vertical Video Syndrome - A PSA - YouTube (
Colin McDonald October 24th, 2012, 08:39 AM ...
(Cough) Err, Hi folks, my name is Colin McDonald and, err, I had VVS but verybriefly and
onlywhenIwasgivenaniPadand I'dbeentakinglotsofstills ...and then I wanted to take a video
and SOMEHOW I forgot.
Of course, I immediately deleted the video from the iPad and my Photostream and didn't tell anyone ... until now.
I know it was unforgivable of me, ...andI'veNEVERdoneitsince...
and, well, if it can happen to me (I can clock a wrong aspect ration at 100 yards) it could happen to anyone.
I'm sharing this so that it doesn't happen to anyone else on here.
Keith Dobie October 24th, 2012, 04:20 PM That confession was good for the soul Colin, I bet you feel better!
I have to admit I did it a few times too when I first got my android.
Jack Zhang October 25th, 2012, 01:40 AM Saw this when it first came out, unfortunately the message is not sinking in... It's put to the manufacturers to put in warnings about said things because the average consumer isn't going to listen until they're shown a warning each time they try to take a vertical video.
Dave Blackhurst October 25th, 2012, 10:14 AM "Skinny wedding videos" - I'm sensing a market...
Colin McDonald October 25th, 2012, 12:27 PM I can clock a wrong aspect ration at 100 yards
...but not, it would appear, a typo :-)
Make that "aspect ratio"
Chris Soucy October 25th, 2012, 11:31 PM Bloody funny & clever piece of video though, thanks for sharing, still chuckling!
Er, Colin, you're forgiven, as you're obviously attending you're AVV meetings, well done, keep up the good work.
Chris Soucy October 25th, 2012, 11:59 PM Erm, with further thought, only possible by mercilessly flogging my remaining 3 grey cells into some sort of action..................
Who said we only see horizontal?
Why not just make the picture square and be done with it?
Fine, in the past they wanted to save on celluloid, we're all shooting digital, why not make it square?
Where's the argument for 16:9? Why not 1:1?
It still won't be what we humans (non humans need have no further interest in this post) see when we look out the window, or in fact at anything, it isn't 16:9 or anything like it, it's almost circular.
True, more in the horizontal, but the vertical gets a pretty good look in, a damn site better than 16:9.
Yeah, yeah, I know all about the Greeks discovering (maybe proving the point, more than "discovering") the "magic" formula for form over function, that's not really my point.
Any votes for making it wide and high?
Just a thought.