View Full Version : Same Day Edit didn't go so well's Premiere's fault

Taky Cheung
October 21st, 2012, 10:10 PM
It was not planned, but I decided to do a surprise SDE at yesterday's wedding. Editing went well as I got the edit done by 8:30pm. Plan to show around 9. Told the planner but the DJ didn't quite want to setup the projector the second time.

Then here it comes. Premiere continues to conform audio every time I open the project. During export, it shows it needs 1 hour to export this 4 minutes video. I tried to troubleshoot. Rebooting, checking export settings etc.

By 10pm over half the guests were gone. I was about to give up. All of a sudden, the export finished up in a few seconds. The whole export actually takes 7 minutes. Then I know what happened. It's the "Work Area". I accidentally leave the work area bar on time line stretched longer than an hour. So the progress bar calculation is based on the total time in the work area.

At that time, it's already 10:30. Only the bridal party and family stayed. I hooked up the laptop to DJ's sound then invite everybody gathered around to watch the SDE on my laptop. It was stressful but still worth it.

Lesson learned,

(1) Clean up premiere media cache with all the conformed .CFA files and let it reconfirms at next project open.
(2) Make sure to set the work area to the length of the video before export.
(3) Exporting directly in Premiere is faster than exporting in Adobe Media Encoder.

Frank Glencairn
October 22nd, 2012, 06:42 AM
So where exactly is it Premiere`s fault?

Looks like the problem sits in front of the screen.
Combination of being uniformed, regarding the tools of the trade and refusing to read the manual and forums.

Paul R Johnson
October 22nd, 2012, 07:01 AM
The mistake is simply not having done the same thing before. I'm constantly amazed by my incompetence when guesstimating render times. I never ever get close.

Taky Cheung
October 22nd, 2012, 09:42 AM
Let me tell you why exactly it is premiere's fault. More of it adobe's fault.

It is unnecessary to upsample all audio to 32-bit, creating all those unnecessary media cache .cfa files occupying harddrives space (default to the boot drive) that require manual deletion. During export, it is downconvert back to 16-bit. The audio conforming process sometimes goes into loop non-stop. The audio conforming process is a big complain to many premiere users since Adobe rewrote Premiere to Premeire Pro.

In previous versions of Premiere, there is an option to select export the Work Area, or the entire project. Adobe removed that options. It is now only export to the length of the work area.

Of course, all of the mess can be avoided by myself calmly. However, working Same Day Edit is very stressful. Things can be overlooked.

Bruce Watson
October 22nd, 2012, 10:36 AM
This is sorta like saying you rode your bicycle to the store where you bought a 40" flatscreen TV, then you had trouble getting the TV home, and it's the bicycle's fault. Um... no.

Taky Cheung
October 22nd, 2012, 10:40 AM
I don't see the analogy fits here. I use Premiere Pro to edit video which is what premiere is for. Bicycle is not for delivering 40" TV. I thought that was obvious.

Kelly Huffaker
October 22nd, 2012, 09:35 PM
I don't think Taky is trying to put 100 percent of the blame on Adobe, but rather show certain things that Adobe SHOULD change in their future versions of Premiere. I too kinda agree with him about Premiere's silly way of conforming audio and what not, but oh well. I still use Premiere cuz it's a powerhouse editing software.....just wishing they would change a couple things.

Taky Cheung
October 23rd, 2012, 11:43 AM
Thanks Kelly.

I posted this mainly to share my experience working with Premiere in Same Day Edit. It's very stressful. Those issues can easily overlooked while working under stress against time. Hopefully someone will find the post useful. At least I know I will check the Work Area before export.. and won't freak out to seeing export time is over an hour for a 4 min clip.

Aaron Mayberry
October 23rd, 2012, 05:15 PM
Ever try Avid Media Composer? It's boss.