View Full Version : PMW 320/350 Tripod

Miguel Reis
October 18th, 2012, 11:52 AM
Hi all,

I would like to have some suggestions for a tripod under $1200 for this camera.

Have read some good reviews about Manfrotto 504HD with 546BK legs, but all the reviews just talk about lighter cameras and DSLRs.

May I have some opinions about this please?

Luc De Wandel
October 18th, 2012, 11:55 AM
The Manfrotto 504 HD is not up to the job. I used to have one, and the PMW320 is too heavy for this head in my opinion. I bought a heavier Libec instead.

Miguel Reis
October 18th, 2012, 12:03 PM
wow Luc, that was fast lol

what Libec did you bought?

Samer Aslan
October 18th, 2012, 02:16 PM
I have the PMW-350 and i bought this one :Cartoni Gamma Head - 100mm Ball :: 100mm Fluid Heads :: Tripod Heads :: Tripod Heads & Accessories :: Tripods, Stabilizers & Support :: Equipment Sales :: AbelCine (

if you are interested i have another one exactly the same but used and in perfect working condition, just make an offer!! :-)


Luc De Wandel
October 18th, 2012, 03:31 PM
I have the RH45 head and the RT40B legs, and I'm quite satisfied with it, but when the weather is windy, the tripod is still not steady enough. But that is in exceptional circumstances, I wonder if any platform - except perhaps a concrete one - would do...

Robin Probyn
October 19th, 2012, 04:50 AM
Hi all,

I would like to have some suggestions for a tripod under $1200 for this camera.

Have read some good reviews about Manfrotto 504HD with 546BK legs, but all the reviews just talk about lighter cameras and DSLRs.

May I have some opinions about this please?

Cheap and tripod are contradictory terms.. like a chocolate fire guard or military intelligence ... will be a total waste of money..

John DuMontelle
October 19th, 2012, 06:41 AM
I have to agree strongly with Robin.

You're not going to get anything worthwhile, new, for that amount of money.

If you're stuck at that price point look for something used.

Putting a camera that size on a second rate tripod only hurts the investment you made in a larger camera.

Paul R Johnson
October 19th, 2012, 06:49 AM
I've got a similar sized camera on a Libec H55 head and it only just copes, I use an older Vinten head and legs I got on ebay - and frankly it's a zillion times better. The head can be properly adjusted so the camera remains at whatever angle you leave it at - without putting on the brakes. The Libec is ok over a smallish range, but tilt up or down and it is just not accurate enough. Scour ebay for older bargains. I have a Manfrotto 502 and 504 and while they're great on tiny cameras, they are unsafe on big cameras. They're not designed for that kind of use.

Paul DeBaets
October 19th, 2012, 09:14 AM
For a reasonable priced support system look to the Manfrotto 509hd head with the 536 carbon fiber sticks.
It has a 100mm ball too. B&H has it for less than $1500.00. This is the unit I chose for my pmw 350. So far it has meet my needs & performs well. If money is not an issue, I am a vinten fan, but now we are pushing $6000.00. Remember that these sticks will last for 20 years or more, my 2 cents of advice.

Miguel Reis
October 19th, 2012, 10:06 AM
Thank you all for your support.

I'm an experienced cameraman, work on a national tv, and there we use of course Vinten, Sachler, etc.

The problem is that I want a tripod for personal use, and dont want spend $3000 or $4000. But neither me or my colleagues there, know that much about low entry models... we never used it... That's why I'm asking for your help, and experience, to find maybe... nothing... lol

Thanks for the Manfrotto 509 tip! I'm looking at this one too.

How about Cartoni Focus HD?

Alister Chapman
October 19th, 2012, 11:51 AM
What about the new Vinten Vision Blue 5. It can take up to 12Kg and is a proper pro tripod. At the very top of your price range but worth the investment. EDIT: Never mind, got my prices muddled. The VB 5 is going to be too expensive.

Don Bloom
October 19th, 2012, 12:46 PM
I recently used a 509 on 546 legs with a pmw350. It held up well. As well as a 6 or 8 thousand dollar Sachtler? no, but it did the job without any shake rattle or roll. It held in place without having to, as was said, put the brakes on and kept the camera where I wanted it, except for the one time I accidently moved my hand which was killing me and moved the pan handle. Operater, wake up! ;-)
I think for the money it's a good setup.
The other night I ran the only camera at a big corporate gig with a bunch of Hollywood B listers, a couple of A listers and a big name band all for Imag. I was on a DXC30 and had Sachtler legs with a 30 head. It took 2 of us to get it out of the case and onto the spiderpod. Not something I'd want to carry around all day but it certainly did the job.

Laszlo Horvath
October 20th, 2012, 06:32 AM
Miguel, did you receive my email about a Vinten Vision 6 head?
Please let me know.
Thanks, Laszlo