View Full Version : Indoor interviews - exposure
Thomas Kaufman October 17th, 2012, 07:20 AM Hi everyone,
I've been using the F3 for a few months now, and have the PP set to AB_CINE2 which I downloaded from Abelcine.
What I notice is, because the camera is so sensitive, I wind up using behind-the-lens ND and shoot with the shutter at 180 and ISO set to 800.
It would be nice to use a lower ISO and go without the ND, but I'm also setting the aperture of my 75mm prime at 1.4, so I get massive overexposure this way. Even reducing the ISO to around 280 doesn't reduce the overexposure enough.
I think there ought to be a way to do this, probably very simple, but I can't think what it is. Anyone have an answer? Can you set the camera lower than ISO 280? Or should I just go with ND and ISO 800 and forget about it? The venues for this footage are TV and web, so no transition to the big screen.
Thomas Kaufman October 17th, 2012, 07:30 AM I did notice that the ND has an adjustment, and a previous thread mentioned using a light meter/waveform monitor to adjust the amount of ND. Maybe this is part of the solution?
Douglas Villalba October 17th, 2012, 07:37 AM What I notice is, because the camera is so sensitive, I wind up using behind-the-lens ND and shoot with the shutter at 180 and ISO set to 800.
TomUsing ND is the way to do it. Using shutter speeds faster than twice the frame rate is not recommended unless it is for effects like slowmo or Saving Private Ryan.
When you use the internal ND1 your effective ISO is ∼ 100. With ND2 ISO is ∼ 12.
Chris Medico October 17th, 2012, 07:38 AM That adjustment doesn't change the cameras sensitivity.
Why is using ND a problem? If you are shooting at ISO800 is the native sensitivity for the camera. ISO800 offers you the best image quality from the camera.
If the internal NDs are not the right values for your application you have choices such as using a matte box with ND filters in steps smaller than the internal ND filters. You can also use one of the variable ND filters (not my first choice) to tune the exposure to what you want.
Mark Kenfield October 17th, 2012, 08:43 AM I'd suggest stopping down a little, even if it's just a stop or two. f/1.4 at 75mm must give you a razor-thin DoF - i.e. only one eye in focus if the person turns their head even slightly).
Do you not have issues with people falling in and out of focus as they shuffle about on their feet or chairs?
Dennis Hingsberg October 17th, 2012, 09:03 AM Under gain settings you can go to -3db and electronically come down a bit from 800ISO. The two built in ND filters offer 3 and 6 stops of reduction.
If you are still over exposed you will have no choice but to use additional ND filters in front of your lens or lower the lighting in the room.
As for F1.4 I don't want to criticize your choice on that f-stop as you may have specific reasons for wanting to shoot that wide open, but I don't recommend ever shooting people lower than f5.6. More commonly in portrait photography values of f11 or higher are used.
If you want a background out of focus you need to put more distance between your subject and the background. If you can't because you can not get far away enough from your subject then you should try a 50mm lens.
Thomas Kaufman October 19th, 2012, 09:06 AM Thanks, guys.
Another question - in the menu is a selection for giving the ND filter a numeric value. Any idea what that is for?
Dennis Hingsberg October 19th, 2012, 09:18 AM Sorry just to add to my previous post I do shoot lower than f5.6, such as f4 or f2.8 but it depends on background distances mainly. That is my deciding factor.
I've noticed the numeric value on the menu for a year and never inquired what purpose it serves. My guess is it might do something useful when the kit lenses are installed of cookies with electronic data passing back to camera. Or maybe the values are purely for reference when metadata is recorded? No idea. I bet its in the manual though.
Alister Chapman October 19th, 2012, 11:39 AM It's a trim adjustment for the camera gain to ensure that when using the ND's the sensitivity reduction is exactly 3 stops or 6 stops.
Dennis Hingsberg October 19th, 2012, 11:43 AM Ah yes subtle electronic gain control. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
I wonder now if all this time I could have used it to adjust my exposure in smaller increments than db gain increments. ??
Leonard Levy October 20th, 2012, 11:31 AM All my lenses are 77mm or have adapters to 77mm . I always carry a pouch with a 77mm ND 3, 6 & 9 for exactly this purpose and its very valuable especially if you are trying to get that low DOF look and get stuck in between the cameras large ND jumps. With mattebox I just carry 4x4's. Its a good habit.
Some cameras have 3 internal ND's and its easier to manipulate.
Bill Thomas October 21st, 2012, 10:27 PM I use a Nikon 85mm 1.4 ais for almost all of my interviews with the F3. Between adjusting the lights and ND(internal or external) I try to always land around f4 in the lenses sweet spot while giving me a bit of a focus buffer in case the subject moves. To put the amount of DOF in perspective; using a 85mm @ 10' @ 1.4 gives you 3.5" of DOF, at f2.8 = 7", at f4 you'll have 9.8" and at f5.6 =14".
Leonard Levy October 22nd, 2012, 12:51 AM Everybody shoots their own way. My clients like low depth of field and I have never shot an interview above f2.8 in years. In small rooms I've gone to f1.4 often. Got to be damn careful on the focus though and it can bite you.
Dennis Hingsberg October 22nd, 2012, 07:56 AM I think 3.5" is way too shallow to shoot people with. That leaves some portion of the subject (human) out of focus, ie. Tips of nose, back of eats, shoulders, etc..
While a client might like it, it doesn't make it "right".
Steve Cocklin October 22nd, 2012, 10:17 AM I'm using Zeiss ZF.2's with the cine conversion from Duclos, I've found 4, 4-5.6 to be the safest place to be with an 85mm, even though I'm checking red peak on the F3 VF if I'm lower than f4 I see some softness in the edit. More than once and once is too much I've had to drop a BCC sharpening effect over a scene. There has been a good discussion going on in another forum on the differences between Zeiss super speeds and Cooke lens with the emphasis on sharpness.
Thomas Kaufman October 22nd, 2012, 12:45 PM Guys,
Thanks for the responses. For better of for worse, some clients like to shoot with shallowest DOF possible. So, yes, I've had shots where the eyes were sharp and the end of the nose wasn't. Not optimal, and not using the best part of the lens at f/4.0, but it makes the client happy.
Interesting about the trim feature of the ND adjustment. So, could one use it for adding small amounts of ND?
This is what my original question came down to: It's not unusual for me to have to light someone in their house during daylight hours. If you can't control the ambient light, you're kinda flooded with daylight to start, especially at maximum aperture f/1.4
So I have to add ND. But the BTL filters are big corrections. I can fine tune the exposure by changing ISO to a low number, but I think the lowest I've found is 280. Does the F3 go lower than that?
Dennis Hingsberg October 22nd, 2012, 01:30 PM At f1.4 focusing can become an issue for any animated subject, so what your client really likes is not the DOF on the face from nose to shoulder but likely the level of bokeh in the background which could easily be accomplished shooting at f2.8 to f4 and having a larger distances between the actual background and subject, and subject to camera.
In portrait photography using f11-f16 is very common to yield razor sharp images yet it is still possible to get some nice bokeh in the background but with those stops you need at least 10 feet to subject then another 20 - 40 feet behind them for some nice bokeh. In a small office something like this isn't going to happen but there are ways to cheat the shot by moving desks further from walls, shooting through doorways, etc..
Another option for getting more bokeh in your shot where you might not have the "distance" is using a full frame sensor camera like the 5D where you can increase your DOF and shoot at the same f-stop as you would be with the super35mm format or APS-C.
The F3 does not go lower than -3db. I find I'm often combing the internal ND filter (3 stops) with lens filters to get where I want to be. In extreme cases (6 stops) using the internal ND filter on the F3. Gotta love that native 800ISO level on the F3!
Chris Medico October 22nd, 2012, 03:37 PM I shot a bunch of interviews with the F3 for Discovery recently and they specified no larger than f/5.6 for the 85mm lens. The subject was 10' or so from the camera.
Not saying one setting is better than another but a national client wanted to make sure the whole person was reasonably in focus.
Steve Cocklin October 23rd, 2012, 06:36 AM I shot a bunch of interviews with the F3 for Discovery recently and they specified no larger than f/5.6 for the 85mm lens. The subject was 10' or so from the camera.
Not saying one setting is better than another but a national client wanted to make sure the whole person was reasonably in focus.
I've been doing some political & corporate spots all on an indie dolly, 1/4 section curved track. If I had all of the track the track diameter would be 20 feet, so I have been placing my subjects all at 10 feet center (radius) from the camera and shooting with an 85mm and 50mm f5.6 and f4, the dolly grip gives me a very smooth slow move, not much focus pulling with this method and framing stays the same throughout the shot. With the 85mm at 10 feet you get a nice head shot, you need at least 15 to 20 feet behind the subject to make it work though.
Just out of curiosity, are you shooting the native codec from the F3 for Discovery or do they require something better?
Thomas Kaufman October 23rd, 2012, 10:41 AM Steve,
Most of my clients prefer to shoot 4:2:2, which means you can't use the internal SxS cards. As to Discovery, I recently shot a show that did use the SxS cards. It's a good question to ask if you have an upcoming project.
Chris Medico October 23rd, 2012, 04:36 PM I've been doing some political & corporate spots all on an indie dolly, 1/4 section curved track. If I had all of the track the track diameter would be 20 feet, so I have been placing my subjects all at 10 feet center (radius) from the camera and shooting with an 85mm and 50mm f5.6 and f4, the dolly grip gives me a very smooth slow move, not much focus pulling with this method and framing stays the same throughout the shot. With the 85mm at 10 feet you get a nice head shot, you need at least 15 to 20 feet behind the subject to make it work though.
Just out of curiosity, are you shooting the native codec from the F3 for Discovery or do they require something better?
We shot native using the SxS media.