View Full Version : Two camera shoot with 5D MKII and T3i?

Dan Brockett
October 11th, 2012, 01:07 PM
Hi all:

Has anyone shot with these two cameras together? I have an upcoming shoot and just bought a T3i as a spare body for my 5D MKII. Been traveling a lot and needed a spare body in case my 5D MKII goes down while on location.

If you set the camera profile to "Standard", are they anywhere close to matching as far as color, contrast? I am thinking of using the Canon 28mm 1.8 on the T3i and a Nikon 50mm 1.4 on the 5D MKII. Sure, FOV will be slightly different, but I am thinking that I can get them pretty close. It will be two talent, each with an OTS shot.

I need to run some tests but am too busy right now, so I thought I would ask around here if anyone has experienced the two cameras together?



Matt Lawrence
October 11th, 2012, 08:59 PM
I just bought a t4i as a second camera for my 5DMKIII, which I've heard is only marginally better than the t3i and has basically the same look for video. Using L lenses it actually looks pretty good next to the 5D. It doesn't have quite the depth of field and the image is much noisier even at just 1600 ISO, but within limits it gives a very nice image and matches the feel of the 5D much better than my Sony NX5U. Color matches pretty well too, at least with the indoor tungsten tests I've done so far. The t4i doesn't allow you to set the Kelvin degrees manually so I just set the two cameras using a grey card and they matched up very well. I've used only the Neutral image setting.

I think you should be able to manage with your shooting situation, but I'd do as many tests as you can before hand and try to find the settings that match up best between the two cameras.

Chris Barcellos
October 11th, 2012, 09:38 PM
I ve used the T2i and 5DII together with same results as reported by Matt, with virtually same conclusion. One thing you can do is run the two cameras with Magic Lantern and you can set to identical Kelvin settings. Noise is as reported by Matt, but better you set exposure the less noise there is. In that sense, under exposing at 800 is not as good noise wise as shooting at 1600 ISO.

Nigel Barker
October 16th, 2012, 07:19 AM
Dan, I own both or rather I own a 5D2 & a 600D which is what the T3i is called outside the US. The colour & look are very comparable but the 600D/T3i is much noisier at high ISO. Whereas for the 5D2 I will happily use ISO3200 with the 600D/T3i I will not use any higher than ISO800.

The 3X HD crop mode can be useful as it basically gives you a free telephoto although as it's then effectively a small sensor camera you lose the cool shallow DoF.

The swivel screen can also be useful if it saves you getting on your hands & knees & also lets you raise up the camera at arm's length on a monopod for overheard shots while still seeing that the framing is OK.

The controls aren't so convenient as the 5D2 as the 600D/T3i lacks the rear wheel & I know that some people will buy a 60D just so the controls are the similar as possible to the 5D2. However the video quality of all Canon APS-C DSLRs is indistinguishable whether it's the 7D, 60D, T3i or T2i.

Dan Brockett
October 22nd, 2012, 01:13 PM
Hi Nigel:

How the heck are you? I just returned from a week of corporate shooting down in London, wish I could have time to say hi but it was an intense week. I did some shooting with both of the cameras and I agree with all of your conclusions and the others here. I ended up just manually white balancing both cameras and the images look good. The 3X zoom on the T3i is handy, but yes, I noticed that ISO 1600 is about it for usable images. Went out on the town for a few hours of tourist shooting but unfortunately the rain was relentless so I only was able to shoot using overhangs to keep the rain off of the lens.

I mainly bought the T3i as a backup body for the 5D MKII, it was making me paranoid traveling all over and doing high profile shoots with just the 5D MKII. Cameras go down and having the T3i as a back up makes me feel better. I have been lighting all of my interviews with a four light LED travel kit and the T3i looks good using lights and luckily the rooms I have been shooting b-roll in usually have had nice window light. Very happy with both.
