View Full Version : Bride and Groom alone time - props?

Peter Rush
October 10th, 2012, 08:19 AM
Hi All - I'm trying to rethink for next season how to inject something different into my shoots. One aspect of the day that used to be fun has now got a little stale as I do the same thing every time, and that's the 10 minutes (If I'm lucky) I get with the B&G alone.

I'm now a little bored of the 'circle around the couple as the walk hand-in-hand' and 'slide out from an object to reveal the couple kissing' etc etc etc.

Don't get me wrong as my couples love their videos but I'd like to give it something new. I also have a photography sideline and for lifestyle shoots (especially with families that have kids) I take along along props to make it more fun - maybe too cheesy for video?


Mike Hammond
October 10th, 2012, 09:26 AM
Hi Peter,

Seems like one of the answers to your question about using props is that it will depend on the couple. There are probably some couples who would do well with them, and others would look strange and uncomfortable. Trying to peg which couples are which would be a first step. It's not an outlandish idea anyway - especially with the right B&G.

Adrian Tan
October 11th, 2012, 01:21 AM
What sorts of props were you thinking of?

I can recall photographers taking such (corny) things as: a giant balloon and an enormous "&" sign for the couple to hold. Maybe this could work for video if the couple has fun with them; otherwise, maybe a bit posy?

Rose petals -- at least you can get a slow motion shot...

Pre-wedding video: I've seen one where the groom put himself in a giant gift box for the bride to unwrap.

There's a video on the Untitled weddings film site where the couple are playing with a picture frame, and later the bride is playing with a bird in a cage, so that's at least something...

By the way, just had a look at the main video on your Cinema page -- beautiful silhouette shots! Thought the video had a very nice texture to it as well.