View Full Version : HD Hero2 broken after Firmware upgrade.
David Cleverly October 9th, 2012, 09:33 AM Hi all,
Received new GoPro today and, because I am using the WiFi back, I did a firmware update. All went well until I restarted the camera and now it is locked in a constant firmware update mode, regardless of what buttons I push.
When I start the camera, it immediately goes into the firmware update icon on screen with all red lights flashing. Even if I re-insert the 'update' SD Card back into the camera and restart it, it makes no difference whatsoever. Nothing I do can change it from this mode. Firmware Update icon remains ON, red lights flashing.
Because it is stuck in this mode, I can't access the card or make any settings computer won't even see it because I can't get it into USB mode. GoPro Cineform Studio does not see the camera, either.
Any hints on resetting the camera?
Jason Garrett October 9th, 2012, 10:46 AM Take the battery out.
Happening to me too.
Charles W. Hull October 9th, 2012, 01:47 PM I had this happen a couple of months ago, and GoPro telephone support quickly walked me through the steps to reset the camera - which I did not write down so I forgot (it's more than taking the battery in and out). Give them a call, they will quickly fix the problem.
Jason Garrett October 9th, 2012, 01:54 PM Well, if somebody finds out what needs to be done and has a better solution to getting it to run again I’m all ears.
Ian Newland October 10th, 2012, 09:25 PM Go guarantees but this is the procedure
1. Turn off your camera removing battery
2. Remove SD Card and mount it into your Mac or PC
3. Make sure you have the file named 'HD2-firmware.bin' and in its properties may be 52.598.784 bytes
4. Drag it to your SD Card
5. Unmount the card from your PC or Mac then insert it into your GoPro camera
6. Press and hold the Shoot button (at the top of the cam)
7. Press once the start button (at the front of the cam)
8. Press three times again the start button
9. Whait FIVE minutes while the LCD displays the v198 message and red lights blinks
10. Turn off your camera removing battery
11. Insert the battery again
12. Turn on your camera as usual with the Start button (at the FRONT of the cam)
13. Whait TWO minutes, the cam must to be updated
14. If not, then proceed to replace your unit under warranty
Nevin Styre October 11th, 2012, 11:06 AM I almost bricked mine yesterday. Did all the normal steps but when it came time for the camera to update it flashed the camera icon with v198 over and over.
I left it for about 7-8 minutes then got impatient so I unplugged the battery and replugged, same thing. I tried about 10 different times turning it on, removing the battery, turning it on without sd card, plugging it into my mac. At one point the LCD was going crazy flashing v198, the video icon, then the photo icon over and over rapidly. After about 10 minutes of trying the thing would only turn on immediately to v198 with no red light and no beeps, I figured it was time to give up but I would at least try removing battery and SD until it showed v198 but with the red light flashing and then I'd leave it for a while.
I don't know what I did but that one more time was the charm and v198 came on, red light came on, then not 5 seconds later v198 went away and it just worked, it switched itself to video mode and I could now select protune in the menu.
David Cleverly October 11th, 2012, 09:42 PM Thanks, I'll give those procedures a try...
Did it fix the problem?
David Cleverly October 11th, 2012, 09:48 PM Ian,
Were you told what to do if the red light starts flashing BEFORE you get a chance to hit the front button three times?
As soon as I hit the top/front button combination, the icon comes on the screen BEFORE I get a chance to hit the front button the three times.
And I gather you can only do all this process with the battery and not usb power?
Cheers and thanks for the reply.
Ian Newland October 12th, 2012, 12:10 AM Dav, never firmware update with USB, only a FULLY charged battery. When doing the two button procedure, make sure you press and hold the button FIRMLY, some GoPros need more pressure than others. I have 18 of them and they vary.
Phill Pendleton October 12th, 2012, 01:49 AM Had the same problem with my camera. "V198" message and lights flashing, went on for 10 mins, got fed up and did the following (could not turn off camera via button), so I...
Took the battery out & SD card out, left it for 5 mins, put batt back in with another SD card and camera then worked as per normal. Left camera switched on, changed back to original SD card and all worked fine, protune working as well.
Reconnected camera to Cineform and it told me camera was up to date.
Maybe I was just lucky, wasn't looking forward to posting camera back for warranty.