View Full Version : Classic wedding moments

Andrew Smith
October 9th, 2012, 12:03 AM
I don't do weddings too often, but I did do one on the weekend. It was out in the country (not quite outback distance) in the back yard of the couple's place.

I had a lapel mic on the groom and during the wedding vows it did an excellent pick up of the noise of someone nearby putting their 'empties' (glass bottles) in to the recycle bin. Seriously.

Can anyone rival this?


Warren Kawamoto
October 9th, 2012, 12:33 AM
In a recent wedding, a squad of F-22 Raptors flew over the wedding site on a low pass. The minister had to stop, and everyone looked overhead as the deafening roar vibrated my chest.

Chris Harding
October 9th, 2012, 02:25 AM
My classic was a lot less noisy but still unique!

We were doing an outdoor ceremony and there was a large pond behind the gazebo, full of ducks. They were dead silent during the ceremony but as the celebrant said "I now pronounce you husband and wife" one duck let out a very loud "quack, quack, quack" ...Absolutely perfect timing too and the guests burst out laughing and clapped and cheered!


John Knight
October 9th, 2012, 03:11 AM
Many years ago I used to film with a single camera only. Had a wedding at the local widelife reserve. Minister stood to one side and I had the bride and groom framed in the centre - during the vows a zebra walked into the centre of frame in the background - lifted his tail and did a big squat. Funniest thing ever. Wish I had saved that one but YouTube didn't exist back then.

Clive McLaughlin
October 9th, 2012, 05:02 AM
At a wedding once the priest suddenly decided he wanted the entire bridal party and parents to come up and surround the couple as they said their vows. BOTH my cameras were looking at peoples backs!

I never wanted to punch someone so much in my life!

Stelios Christofides
October 9th, 2012, 05:27 AM
My classic was a lot less noisy but still unique!

We were doing an outdoor ceremony and there was a large pond behind the gazebo, full of ducks. They were dead silent during the ceremony but as the celebrant said "I now pronounce you husband and wife" one duck let out a very loud "quack, quack, quack" ...Absolutely perfect timing too and the guests burst out laughing and clapped and cheered!


and I am sure you have included this in the video.. Really funny.


Ray Larson
October 9th, 2012, 05:53 AM
Several years ago we did a wedding in Newport, RI that was outside right after a tropical storm. We used lavs on both the groom and the officiate because of the wind but right as we got to the vows someone at a wedding a few miles away had hired a plane with a banner advertising congratulations to the lucky couple and it spent 10 minutes flying right overhead at the wedding I was filming. I didn't have an RPG in my kit that day...LOL

Chris Hewitt
October 9th, 2012, 06:00 AM
A few weeks ago, I filmed a wedding at a modern style church and just at the end of the vows the fire alarm went off, very loud and it stayed on for the rest of the ceremony as no one had the key to turn it off.
The bride insisted on keeping it in the edit as "that is what happened." I have never heard such a racket as that alarm and I felt so sorry for the couple.
To rub salt into the wound, I had inadvertently switched the grooms wireless lav to 'internal camera mic' at the start due to the rush when he arrived late. Never did that before and a valuable lesson learned.

Don Bloom
October 9th, 2012, 09:12 AM
A few years ago I was doing a wedding for a fireman. All of the guys and a couple of the ladies in the bridal party were firefighters. Since my son is one also and a couple of the guys knew him or at least knew of him it was a great connection and we were having a good time. Time for the ceremony and it was an old church in Chicago just off a main street and it was hot out. The church had AC but it was hardly working so they opted to leave the front doors of the church open. They had just finished the ceremony and mass and the priest had just announced the B&G and as they started to kiss before the recessional, BAM! 2 CFD trucks were going down the street with sirens BLASTING! Of course every mic I had going picked it up. I left it in as it was 100% appropriate for the moment and everyone in the church got a good laugh out of it. It really made the day and no, it wasn't planned. Just happened to be at the right place at the right time.
Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good!


Dan Tolbertson
October 9th, 2012, 09:41 PM
Had a freight train in the background that was a real long one with several engines. It was across a small valley but it very loud and certainly stopped the ceremony for a good 5 minutes. Very uncomfortable for the bride and groom. It was also not only loud but also going by right in the background of the couple. you would have thought the venue would have know the train schedules.

Chris Harding
October 9th, 2012, 10:52 PM
Our Swan Valley region in Perth is littered with wedding venues so it's a popular's also directly over the busy airport incoming flight path so the planes are low and noisy, as yes it's also busy on Sundays! Over a 20 minute period I have counted 10 flights directly over our favorite venues!!

What happens here is when they hear the plane coming, the celebrant stops the ceremony and waits until the roar subsides and then continues..even on the fairly short civil ceremonies they need to often stop 3 or 4 times at least!! At least we can edit out the flyovers which is great. We actually one guy who, as the first plane approaches, says "Ladies and Gentlemen..I have arranged a special flyover this afternoon for the couple and if you look carefully you will see their names under the wings" Of course, everyone looks up!!


Jim Arco
October 10th, 2012, 06:53 AM
Not my story, but...

B&G have picked a lovely lakeside area set in botanical garden for their high-end nuptials. The three-piece string ensemble are at rest as the groom is about to place a ring on his bride. Suddenly a flock of geese circle the lake, land, and begin honking loudly. The racket is so loud that it completely disrupts the proceeding, with giggles starting in the back of the assembled crowd.

When the din finally quiets down, the officiant says, "Pay no attention to the noise. It's just the pâté warming up."

It took over three minutes for the laughter to subside.

Khoi Pham
October 10th, 2012, 07:55 AM
I got footage of the groom thinking nobody was looking at him and he got a big chunk of the maid of honor ass and gave it a good squeeze for a couple of seconds, looks like she was liking it, somehow I forgot to included that footage in their video.:-)

Stelios Christofides
October 10th, 2012, 09:46 AM
Just as good Khoi as it would have been trouble...


George Kilroy
October 15th, 2012, 06:34 AM
Two that come to mind. One was in a Victorian Gothic mansion where the ceremony was being held during a summer storm. Just as the groom was asked if he would take his bride an almighty clap of thunder right overhead rattled the windows. Everybody burst out laughing.

The other one was not so amusing. In a country church on a very hot July day the doors were wide open, one right next to the chancel. Just after the ceremony started the neighbour living right next to the church started chain sawing logs and someone started a ride-on mower. I was told later that they often did that during church services in retaliation for the church bells waking them on Sunday mornings. It was a pity the couple had not been informed of that when booking their wedding.

Not noise related but again in a country church. Just before the vows a bird flew along the aisle swooping low over the couple then up into the rafters. That caused an outburst of laughter.

Tom Sessions
October 16th, 2012, 03:03 PM
I've had trains,planes, and automobiles like everyone else, and I have posted the experience I am about to unveil once again....One of the guests died during the processional. Ambulance arrives and after about 30 minutes...the wedding resumes where it left off. Needless to say, the reception was a total bomb....not a happy face in the room :-(

Andrew Smith
October 28th, 2012, 05:52 AM
Well, I've got some good news and some bad news re the start of this thread ...

The good news is that despite hearing the empties being put in the bin whilst monitoring the audio with headphones, it didn't get picked up with the lapel mic that I had on the groom .... so it's not in the finished video that I ended up doing the edit for.

The bad news is that I can't find it on the camera mic audio either. Would have loved to be able to share a brief clip of the audio where this happened. :-)
