Bruce Schultz
October 8th, 2012, 02:06 PM
I'm hoping Tim Dashwood or anyone else who has computed the offset for a 60mm IA (3DA1) & 42mm (Sony TD300) can chime in to guess how to use this workhorse app with the smaller IA Sony TD300 - if possible.
The problem with using most (if not all) of the 3D calculation apps with a fixed IA camera is that they normally compute the stereo base by data entry of other measurable variables and then give you the IA setting. I need to do the opposite. Also wondering if anyone knows of a 3D calculation app that does do this.
Tim Dashwood
October 9th, 2012, 09:17 AM
Hi Bruce,
I just put the finishing touches on the Z10000 Calc app and will be submitting to the App Store in the next day or so and then I will finish the TD300 Calc App.
The nice thing about the TD300 is that you can simply set your maximum positive and negative parallax and let the warning system alert you to the areas of the image that exceed those values, so I'm not sure the app will provide an added benefit while shooting.
Bruce Schultz
October 12th, 2012, 02:40 PM
Great news Tim. I'm heading off to Australia next month to shoot 3D with both the TD300 and Z10000 so I'll be looking fwd to getting both apps.
Can you post again when they are available for download?
Matt Faw
October 15th, 2012, 06:43 PM
I'm heading off to Australia next month to shoot 3D with both the TD300 and Z10000 ...
Have a great, safe trip, Bruce!
Bruce Schultz
November 3rd, 2012, 10:10 AM
Tim, is your TD300 calculator available yet??
Tim Dashwood
November 3rd, 2012, 12:28 PM
Not yet. We're cooking up something big for Toolbox LE next week and then we will be full force back into the TD300 Calc project.
Bruce Schultz
November 3rd, 2012, 01:23 PM
Thanks for the reply so quickly Tim. I'm using the TD300 for the next two weeks so I was anxious to give your app a go with it, but the viewfinder and menus are pretty specific and using anaglyph VF mode seems to be the best way to quickly spot-check divergences etc.
Tim Dashwood
November 3rd, 2012, 09:31 PM
The TD300 has a built-in visual warning system that you can set to trigger at a custom positive and negative parallax. It's somewhere in the menus. It's my favorite implementation of that feature in all of the pro 3D cameras.
Tim Dashwood
November 17th, 2012, 03:50 PM
We're cooking up something big for Toolbox LE
By the way, the thing we were working on was compatibility with Premiere Pro CS6. It's a free upgrade for all Stereo3D Toolbox LE owners on Lion or Mountain Lion. We are still working on making the full version work in Premiere Pro, but hopefully that update will come soon as well.
Bruce Schultz
November 23rd, 2012, 10:38 AM
The TD300 has a built-in visual warning system that you can set to trigger at a custom positive and negative parallax. It's somewhere in the menus. It's my favorite implementation of that feature in all of the pro 3D cameras.
In lieu of not having your TD300 app yet, I used that warning system in the camera (easy to find in the menus) and set the positive for 2% and negative at 1%. All worked out just fine using that and the grid pattern with anaglyph monitoring mode set at 2% also.
All in all a very easy to use camera and much better min focal distance to work with than the 3DA1.
Neil Richards
December 1st, 2012, 08:31 AM
Tim, is the Z10k Calc app available yet?