Richard Tetik
October 5th, 2012, 03:20 AM
Hi guys,
Quick question. What quick release system would you recommend which can be utilised on both a Sony FS700 and a Canon 5dii?
Richard Tetik
October 5th, 2012, 10:46 PM
Hi guys,
Just to clarify this question somewhat.
I am looking at getting a new head for a tripod / slider. I was looking at either the Manfrotto 501hdv, 502 or 701.
Because this will have to support an FS700 I thought that the larger 501 or 502 would be better. Now the 502 looks like the improved model. However, I'm not sure if there is a quick release system that I can use on the 502 head that can also be used on a Glidecam.
With the 501 head there is the 3433PL 577 Rapid Connect Adapter. Manfrotto 3433PL 577 Rapid Connect Adapter with Sliding Mounting Plate: Camera & Photo
Does anyone know of a system that would work for the Glidecam and the 502 head? Otherwise i'm just going to get the 501.
Chris Harding
October 5th, 2012, 11:06 PM
Hi Richard
You would be far better off posting this in the Supports forum or specifically under the FS700 sub forum. You will get results then..on the Events forum you are relying on someone who uses that excat setup which is unlikely.
Paul Wood
October 6th, 2012, 04:26 AM
The 577 adaptor plate will work - I use on on my FS100, NX70 and SLRs on all tripods and stabilisers - it adds a bit of extra cost, but you gain in flexibility and quick swap times.
Be aware there are two widths of adaptor - a quick search on the tripod section here will enlighten you.