View Full Version : Does anyone else wonder why Vegas hasn't yet introduced match moving?

Ali Jafri
October 3rd, 2012, 11:31 PM
One thing that I've always found missing in Vegas is a motion tracker (not track motion) particularly for masking. Currently I'm having to blur out elements in a video and have to keyframe the mask manually! Ugh!

Does anyone know when Vegas plans to introduce motion tracking, if at all?

Marco Ba
October 4th, 2012, 03:17 PM
In Vegas Pro I use BCC motion tracking and corning pinning for tasks like that.

Graham Bernard
October 4th, 2012, 09:21 PM
Does anyone know when Vegas plans to introduce motion tracking, if at all?

As Vegas has bashed down the doors to allow OFX and 3rd Party developers more access to the "code", IMO it would appear that there wouldn't be a Vegas an option for Motion Tracking, e.g. BCC doing the job, as Marco explained. Now, although crystal ball gazing is fun, if there is a "need" for a feature that presently available and there IS an option with a 3rd party plug, the decision is kinda made for that edit house.

Do I think that 3rd party s/w is regularly brought in from the cold, and folded into the code - yes - happens all the time. When this should happen for a particular feature, say in Vegas, nobody on these boards would either be privy to that type of strategic decision making, or if they were/are, wouldn't be saying so.
