View Full Version : Best settings for 120 minute DVD

John Arman
October 1st, 2012, 11:33 AM
I am using DVD pro 4 along with Final cut pro 6 I have a standard def. 120 video I would like to burn to DVD. I have tried several settings and am not happy with the quality. I need it to be the best I can make it. I don't mind going to a DVD 9 if I have to but if someone could help walk me through the best setting I would appreciate it.

I have tried by just exporting movie from FCP and then using the best settings in DVD Pro but get a rough look to some of the video and logos. I tried using compressor but the mpeg2 was not accepted by FCP.

Dave Farrants
October 1st, 2012, 12:50 PM
The best workflow is to export a 'self contained' movie from FCP, import this into Compressor and use the 120 minute DVD setting, then drop the resulting 2 files - m2v and ac3 into DVDSP to author. This should give a good result, I use it all the time for 2 hour videos. You won't get good results if you use DVDSP to encode a .mov to DVD.

If your happy to go to DVD9 then use the 60 minute setting in Compressor instead of the 120 minute.