Alister Chapman
September 30th, 2012, 08:15 AM
Here's my first serious picture profile for the PMW-200. This is designed primarily for the Asia market where the preference is often for very rich images with highly saturated colours. See the frame grabs below for an idea of the look. Have to say, loving the PMW-200 picture once you get it dialled in. Nicer than the EX1R
Use default picture profile settings except:
Name: AC-ASIA1
Matrix: ON, Select 1, Level +23, Phase -4, R-G +10, R-B +8, G-R -12, G-B -9, B-R -5, B-G -15.
HD Detail: Level -10, Frequency +15
Aperture Level +25
Gamma: Select HG3
Black -2
Black Gamma -65.
Duane Dubiel
September 30th, 2012, 07:46 PM
Great profile. I'm looking for a profile for filming outdoor hunting shows. Something that makes the colors pop of early and late fall hardwoods. Something that will also work well in the shadows of the woods. My Pmw 200 will be here by Wendsday at the latest. Thanks.
Alister Chapman
October 1st, 2012, 12:35 AM
That will probably work for what you want. This profile isn't designed to be heavily graded, the deep negative black gamma push and high saturation are not best for something that may later be heavily graded, but for an look that pop's straight out of the camera I'm quite pleased with this one.
Mark Donnell
October 1st, 2012, 11:32 AM
Very nice, Alister ! I'm going to use that profile. I got my PMW-200 four days ago and posted some comments above in the "Digital Industry News" thread on the PMW-200. Still getting used to the differences from my Panasonic HPX-170, but I'm quite sure that I'm really going to like the PMW.
Sara Jourhmane
October 11th, 2012, 05:20 PM
This profile works wonderfully in Central Park NYC. Specially in Garden Area..
Can we reaname this Profile: PMW-200 Picture Profile AC-Asia1 & Central Park NYC?
Bruce Kurz
February 27th, 2013, 03:02 PM
Great image.