December 13th, 2001, 03:18 AM
can anyone suggest a good tripod for the VX2000. At present I am using a simple tripod which does have a fluid head. There is one problem On having stayed stationary for sometime and then you start to pan it gives a jerk.
I am told that the Satchler is great but also very expensive.
Any ideas/suggestions anyone
Chris Hurd
December 13th, 2001, 08:05 AM
There is a legthy discussion of various tripod choices in the XL1 Watchdog forum -- I would think that those tripods would also be a good choice for the VX2000. Do a search for "tripod" over there and see what you come up with...
I'm using a Bogen 503 head with Bogen 3251 sticks, effective for my limited budget but nowhere near as good as Sachtler. Hope this helps,
Ed Frazier
December 13th, 2001, 08:54 AM
Hi Chhris,
<<I'm using a Bogen 503 head with Bogen 3251 sticks, effective for my limited budget but nowhere near as good as Sachtler. Hope this helps,>>
Just what is it about the high priced tripods that make them so much better? I bought the same combination you have (primarily on your recommendation) and am very satisfied with it. It's rock solid, pans smoothly and seems a good match for the XL1. What else do you get for another $1K or more anyway?
Ed Frazier
Chris Hurd
December 13th, 2001, 09:16 AM
Well, you get what you pay for... the more expensive sticks are definitely worth their high price. At DV Expo, we had a Miller tripod at my demo station. This thing is very very nice... and costs $1950, top to bottom. Worth every penny though in my opinion. Here are the main advantages:
1. Sticks -- the use of carbon fiber in the legs. Very sturdy, and *much* more lightweight than the Bogen metal tripods. Carbon fiber sticks are so easy and light to carry that they're much more highly portable as a result. You could lift carbon fiber sticks with your pinky finger... try doing that with my 3251.
2. Head -- although I really like my 503, the Miller D5 I had at the show was even smoother in both pan and tilt. Smaller in overall size as well, with a beefier pan handle. It just *felt* more "profesional" than what I've got at home.
I'm happy with my Bogen 503/3251. It's what I could afford, for less than $500. But if I could afford a $2000 tripod, I'd buy the Miller in a heartbeat. Hope this helps,
Ronnie Martin
January 5th, 2002, 05:18 PM
Has anyone tried the Vinton ?? I saw it at NAB and it looked great