View Full Version : Filming a Conference/Convention with a XF300?

Martin Campbell
September 26th, 2012, 06:20 AM
Have been asked to film a conference and considering using my XF300 for it - it's a live to screen and there will be an AV crew there too. Just a single camera in a fairly dark hall with good lighting on the subject speaker I'd imagine.

Would it be sensible for me to use the XF300, what are the limitations and challenges of using it and any other advice would be very useful.


Don Bloom
September 26th, 2012, 11:26 AM
Depends on what the client demands are and the hookups to the swithcer if there is one. I've done seminars like that with PD170s. I just recently did a 2 day concert using a Z1 as the roving camera. The other 2 stationary cams were PMW-350's. We were all cabled into the Sony Anycast, and while they had no control over my camera from the control room, it worked out pretty well.
So in answer to the question, "can you use the 300?" I can't see why not but I'd say you need to find out some more information like the switcher (if there is one) what kind of connection you need. I had a FW cable with a VGA connection (the AV company had a homemade cable) which connected to the cable back to the Anycast. Another question might be, how many cameras will be running, is it a live to "tape" type thing or are you just doing IMAG. Do you need to record audio?
With some of that info then you can decide if the 300 will do but again, I've done seminars using my trusty old PD170. Did both ways, to tape and strictly IMAG, recorded audio and not, single camera and multiples. Some of the information can make a difference in the gear you use!