View Full Version : 4:4:4 Grading

Don Litten
September 25th, 2012, 01:55 PM
I'm finishing up the grading on Saturdays work today. I need to back off the sharpening about 3 ticks but I have to admit I love Chris Brandon's simulated 444 matrix in 32 bit float and Color GHears cinegh 444 lo contrast.

I just seems to work.

Thomas Smet
September 25th, 2012, 10:59 PM
Don are you using the smooth or sharp version of Apocalypse Now?

I have been using flow motion for a greenscreen project but have been following the AN details very close the last couple of weeks. Considering trying out the AN smooth for a visual effects heavy sci-fi short I will be starting soon.

Don Litten
September 26th, 2012, 03:28 AM
I tested both of them Thomas and prefer the smooth. I got some unbelievable video in low light with it and just as good in daylight.

That video was done with Valkyrie Zero1, 1.2 though. I think it' s better especially in 720P which Nick always neglects.

I'm testing ver 1.3 now and don't see any difference.

This is a test I did last night with Ver 1.3 for a Political Ad.

fognight youtube - YouTube (