View Full Version : Excellent BMC - Canon Mk III comparison
Glen Vandermolen September 25th, 2012, 06:42 AM This is a great comparison between these two cameras. The video from the BMC is incredible! I am stunned by the images, and I watched it compressed.
I never gave the camera serious thought, but now....
To be fair, one is a digital cinema camera and one is primarily a stills photo camera. But that doesn't take away from the BMC's images.
Michael Wisniewski September 25th, 2012, 07:25 AM Even with the Vimeo compression, the BMCC looks really good.
I'm not sure if I'm more impressed by the images from the BMCC or by what is probably the best camera comparison I've seen - it even had a story/character arc ..
Warren Kawamoto September 25th, 2012, 09:13 AM That was awesome!
Dom Stevenson September 25th, 2012, 06:28 PM Wow!
Superb camera. Amazing demo. Thanks.
Michael Kraus September 26th, 2012, 07:22 AM What an awesome demo!
Sheesh now I'm stressing again about my plans to by a 6D....
Dom Stevenson September 26th, 2012, 07:57 AM When you consider how close the contenders for the Zacuto shoot out were, these two are night and day.
Simon Wood September 26th, 2012, 08:09 AM Nice test. The BMC is clearly a superior camera (in terms of the image it produces) - though there would still be scenarios where a DSLR might be preferable (in terms of storage space, battery life, battery size, media size, media cost, weather sealing, being able to film in public discretely, variety of lenses etc, never mind having a quick turnaround in post).
While the BMC images are quite amazing, I have to say I have rarely seen such terrible footage from a 5DMk3. A cursory search on the internet will reveal any number of 5D videos better than the one seen there.
For example; a popular video made by a guy on holiday, shooting a 5DMk3 in public, handheld, without any special rigs or tools (yet it somehow looks infinitely better than what was produced by a production company):
Big Little World on Vimeo
Chris Barcellos September 26th, 2012, 09:25 AM Simon: I think the demonstration footage is just that- it demonstrates the deficiencies or benefits of the particular camera. We all know that footage from most any camera will look and feel fantastic depending on the finish put on it by the edit. I wager if you took the raw footage from the 5DIII film you showed, those problems would still be evident. But that is not what that film is about.
Tim Polster September 26th, 2012, 03:23 PM I agree with both of you but have to admit the 5DMKIII video posted above (Little Big World) has some amazing images. Much better than I was expecting. The BMC clearly does a great job and has a lot more resolution and range. But it seems we as viewers are used to dynamic range varying. Once you are into a video you stop comparing and enjoy the story/images.
I think if BMC comes out with a s35 sized sensor camera after learning from the 1st generation it will be quite the all around answer.
Peer Landa September 26th, 2012, 07:01 PM I think if BMC comes out with a s35 sized sensor camera after learning from the 1st generation it will be quite the all around answer.
Yep, I agree -- but only if they also abandon that silly form factor.
-- peer
Khoi Pham September 26th, 2012, 09:15 PM Are you guys kidding? didn't you read that the BMCC footage were graded and the Mark 3 was raw straight out of the camera with flat settings design to be graded but not? this look like a commercial for BMCC, I don't think that even if Mark 3 footage were graded it probably won't look as good, but come on this comparison is so bias it is not even funny, and some of the shots in Mark 3 was over exposed, btw I don't have the Mark 3, don't think I will be getting one either, but I think this comparison is bogus.
Noa Put September 27th, 2012, 01:54 AM this look like a commercial for BMCC
I had exactly the same feeling, just look the way the guy speaks, reminds me of those tv programs where they try to sell something to you.
Murray Christian September 27th, 2012, 03:16 AM It says quite clearly it was not graded, but only debayered, at the start. Surely if the dynamic range and the resolution are higher grading is not going to make any difference to the things he's pointing out.
The one thing that springs to mind is the sharpness setting. Zero is pretty low (even though lots of people swear by it). Personally I think it actually adds more mush than necessary to the footage, rather than removing digital sharpening to give a pure image. In any case, it is customary to give a little sharpening touch in post to give a Canon a hand these days and it's no bad thing.
Tim Polster September 27th, 2012, 04:59 AM Yep, I agree -- but only if they also abandon that silly form factor.
-- peer
I thought about this a little more and I also agree. Blackmagic if you are listening... If you could make a s35 sensor camera with 1080p60/720p120, proper viewfinder, removeable battery, XLR audio and HDMI output you could rule the world! - or at least the under $10,000 video market.
Toenis Liivamaegi September 27th, 2012, 05:12 AM Look closely, there is something really weird going on in the lens flares of BMC camera footage, some sort of RGB artefacting? Not to mention that its looking like all sharp video production (not a bad thing).
But still, if people rave about Fuji "white orb problems" then this lens flare artefacting certainly is an issue, it's the worst I have seen so far.
Noa Put September 27th, 2012, 05:22 AM I thought about this a little more and I also agree. Blackmagic if you are listening...
Sometimes it looks like camera manufacturers are building their camera's to accommodate the accessory builders, I see more models appear that have a weird formfactor and only once you start to buy and add all necessary accessories to it, it becomes a full production rig. But when you get there you could have paid more for the parts then for the camera.
I don't see this as a bad thing, you can build from a simple "block" and make it fit your needs.
Josh Dahlberg September 27th, 2012, 05:43 AM The one thing that springs to mind is the sharpness setting. Zero is pretty low (even though lots of people swear by it). Personally I think it actually adds more mush than necessary to the footage, rather than removing digital sharpening to give a pure image. In any case, it is customary to give a little sharpening touch in post to give a Canon a hand these days and it's no bad thing.
Totally concur in the case of the Mark III. With previous Canon DSLRs, zero sharpening was the way to go. But the Mark III benefits greatly from a notch or two sharpness in camera if, as in this case, the more preferable option of a little sharpening in post is not applied. So I'd say the 5DIII footage was somewhat hobbled by this decision to shoot at 0 without any post work.
Thomas Smet September 27th, 2012, 06:35 AM Are you guys kidding? didn't you read that the BMCC footage were graded and the Mark 3 was raw straight out of the camera with flat settings design to be graded but not? this look like a commercial for BMCC, I don't think that even if Mark 3 footage were graded it probably won't look as good, but come on this comparison is so bias it is not even funny, and some of the shots in Mark 3 was over exposed, btw I don't have the Mark 3, don't think I will be getting one either, but I think this comparison is bogus.
Read it again buddy. No grading was done to either camera. The BMCC was only debayered and converted to PreRes4444. This was a a fairly balanced test. No filters were used on the lenses either.
I'm also sorry if you feel that a certain level of production professionalism means it looks like a commercial. I wish more people would take the time to add a little production value to these types of videos. I also thought it was very professional to state up front what settings were used and how the footage was treated.
How can any of us really doubt the results of this test. I knew from the day the BMCC was announced it would have results similar to this. It just makes sense given the nature of the camera how it would compare against a camera more focused on shooting stills. We shouldn't be biased just because the name Canon isn't on it. It may be a more complex workflow but that doesn't change the fact that the camera can create some great images. I mean it should based on the workflow. If the quality was comparable to the Canon then there really would be something seriously wrong with what Blackmagic did.
Khoi Pham September 27th, 2012, 06:58 AM That is what it said in the beginning, but at 4:19 it said the footage were "made to look like the 5D mark 3 for detail comparison" if he did anything other than debayered the footage then to me he graded it, as for fair comparison, if he wasn't intended for the BMCC camera to look good, why comparing zoom? everyone knows that M3 is full frame and so it won't have the same reach, why didn't he compare wide angle in a small room with a bunch of people and see how much the BMCC crop people out, why didn't he compared shallow DOF in a tight space and not in a street where he can move back, might be fine in a control situation at night but do that in the day time and people will be walking in front of his camera, why no compared real low light situation and not a street full of lights and shadows where the dynamic range of the BMCC is its strenght?, just seems like he only compared the strength of the BMCC to the weakness of Mark 3.
I said it before and I say it again, I think the footage of BMCC is awesome, the resolution, the dynamic range, blows away the Mark 3, even if Mark 3 were graded it wouldn't matter, you can't compared raw files to H.264 and a camera design to shoot video to a camera design to shoot pictures, I just don't think it is a fair comparison when he only picks BMCC strength to Mark 3 weaknesses.
Simon Wood September 27th, 2012, 07:12 AM I don't think anyone here doubts the BMC is a better camera in terms of DR and detail. But I'm not talking about the BMC footage, I'm talking about the 5D footage.
I have rarely seen such poor footage from a dslr as was presented in that video, and yes that includes raw ungraded, unsharpened footage straight from the camera. Someone said it was overexposed - they are probably right. Something is wrong with it anyway.
Jason Garrett September 27th, 2012, 07:18 AM I’ll leave the finer points for you all to debate. I was pretty impressed by the Blackmagic camera, but I’m not expert enough to judge if it was a fair comparison.
Otherwise, I love how he ripped Vimeo for not being able to upload for ‘Days’ LOL I’ve been having the same issue and just gave up on a few of my videos as amateur as they are. Not exactly earning the subscription price if you ask me. I’ll have to try encoding at a lower bitrate and see if that helps. I realize it probably costs them a lot of money to host and stream the 1080p videos with higher quality bitrates, but the nature of the site being geared toward higher quality videos really is diminished IMHO by seemingly sabotaging the upload of the best quality possible. Just my 2 cents. Not that I could ‘do it better’ than they are.
You guys did notice where he complains that he had to use 18mbs just to get this to upload? Not sure if that plays into the discussion or not. That’s lower than even my consumer grade gear can produce – then it has to be recompressed from that I presume to be streamed, etc.
Tony Davies-Patrick September 27th, 2012, 07:23 AM I began to get really interested after seeing the extra detail in the landscape and telephoto shots, especially in the Black Magic 4/3 mount version...and lenses such as the very sharp Panasonic 7-14mm f/4 and 12-35mm f/2.8 OIS would be perfect for a lot of my work...
...until I realised that the BM is just a plain old 'passive' mount, so not a single Panasonic lens will work...not even the Olympus lenses like the 12mm f/2 etc. Oh well, it was a nice thought while it lasted.
Warren Kawamoto September 27th, 2012, 08:57 AM The whole point and purpose of the video was his concluding statement "So would the cinema camera replace my HDSLR productions? I can honestly say yes, there's no question."
He had the opportunity to work with both cameras and made his conclusion. For those that disagree, please make your own comparative video and post it, I would love to see it!
Thomas Smet September 27th, 2012, 12:31 PM That is what it said in the beginning, but at 4:19 it said the footage were "made to look like the 5D mark 3 for detail comparison" if he did anything other than debayered the footage then to me he graded it, as for fair comparison, if he wasn't intended for the BMCC camera to look good, why comparing zoom? everyone knows that M3 is full frame and so it won't have the same reach, why didn't he compare wide angle in a small room with a bunch of people and see how much the BMCC crop people out, why didn't he compared shallow DOF in a tight space and not in a street where he can move back, might be fine in a control situation at night but do that in the day time and people will be walking in front of his camera, why no compared real low light situation and not a street full of lights and shadows where the dynamic range of the BMCC is its strenght?, just seems like he only compared the strength of the BMCC to the weakness of Mark 3.
I said it before and I say it again, I think the footage of BMCC is awesome, the resolution, the dynamic range, blows away the Mark 3, even if Mark 3 were graded it wouldn't matter, you can't compared raw files to H.264 and a camera design to shoot video to a camera design to shoot pictures, I just don't think it is a fair comparison when he only picks BMCC strength to Mark 3 weaknesses.
And this is exactly why few ever take the time to post these kinds of videos. Because there are always people ready to cry fowl because of a certain technique or how dare they not show this type of shot. Perhaps he didn't have time to get every possible angle or situation you may want to see in a test. Marco still took the time to show a professionally well made video that shows both the cameras in similar situations. Maybe the BMCC may not work as well in some ultra wide situations but the same could be said for m4/3 which is just BS. There are enough tight space productions with the GH2 to see that you can still get wide shots with that small of a sensor. Since Super35 is right in between the two cameras I also fail to see how the FF sensor is a good indicator of wide shots anyway. I am more interested in the S35 sensor size compared to the BMCC and don't really care what FF can do. Insane shallow DOF is really over rated and I wish some indy filmmakers would stop using it as a crutch. It is important to have but most GH2 owners have no problem at all creating shots with shallow DOF.
Simon Wood September 27th, 2012, 01:35 PM And this is exactly why few ever take the time to post these kinds of videos. Because there are always people ready to cry fowl because of a certain technique or how dare they not show this type of shot. Perhaps he didn't have time to get every possible angle or situation you may want to see in a test. Marco still took the time to show a professionally well made video that shows both the cameras in similar situations. Maybe the BMCC may not work as well in some ultra wide situations but the same could be said for m4/3 which is just BS. There are enough tight space productions with the GH2 to see that you can still get wide shots with that small of a sensor. Since Super35 is right in between the two cameras I also fail to see how the FF sensor is a good indicator of wide shots anyway. I am more interested in the S35 sensor size compared to the BMCC and don't really care what FF can do. Insane shallow DOF is really over rated and I wish some indy filmmakers would stop using it as a crutch. It is important to have but most GH2 owners have no problem at all creating shots with shallow DOF.
If someone posts a video that compares footage from 2 different cameras then I think it is fair enough if people discuss the actual footage from BOTH of the cameras. No one is doubting the good images coming out f the BMC, but what is interesting is the other 50% of the test; that is the footage coming out of the 5Dmk3. Is it not reasonable to discuss this footage also?
Thomas Smet September 27th, 2012, 05:52 PM Of course people can discuss here. That is what this place is for. That is exactly what I'm doing as well. One person thinks the test was BS and I am calling them out on it and saying I think the test was very well handled. I didn't appreciate the comments about the purpose of the test and how the test itself was handled. People can defend Canon or Blackmagic until they are blue in the face but lets keep it civil. Just because one person doesn't like the way the test was handled doesn't mean there was a hidden agenda there.
I am very familiar with Marco from One River Media and these guys know their stuff. Maybe they don't know everything but they know how to handle a production and make a lot of money doing so. I just don't think they would go out of their way to make the footage look bad.
Thomas Smet September 27th, 2012, 05:57 PM I began to get really interested after seeing the extra detail in the landscape and telephoto shots, especially in the Black Magic 4/3 mount version...and lenses such as the very sharp Panasonic 7-14mm f/4 and 12-35mm f/2.8 OIS would be perfect for a lot of my work...
DSLR News Shooter | What’s the big deal with Blackmagic Design cinema camera’s M4/3 lens mount? (
...until I realised that the BM is just a plain old 'passive' mount, so not a single Panasonic lens will work...not even the Olympus lenses like the 12mm f/2 etc. Oh well, it was a nice thought while it lasted.
I believe the main use of the m4/3 version of the camera is the ability to adapt almost any lens on the planet to work with the camera. This includes vintage lenses which are very popular with GH2 users as well as Nikon D lenses and PL mount lenses. There is a massive amount of glass that can be used with that version of the camera. I also wish it worked better with native lenses but oh well. Perhaps that will come later. SLR Magic and Voightlander both have some amazing wide full manual lenses that will work great as well. SLR Magic has a very nice 12mm f1.6 that gets a bit softer then the Olympus but is still a very nice lens.
Corey Benoit September 30th, 2012, 06:29 PM Will the black magic camera mount on my cavision and other rail shoulder mounts? Does it take a standard tripod plate screw on the bottom?
Paul A. Folger October 6th, 2012, 02:41 PM I think Thomas did great job but after reading this thread he may never may never want to make another comparison video again. That was a lot of work. The camera wars will never end.
More latitude in the highlights is definitely something I'm always looking for and it would seem the BMC has the advantage here. Blown out highlights are always a dead give away that says video.
Brian Drysdale October 7th, 2012, 01:43 AM ...until I realised that the BM is just a plain old 'passive' mount, so not a single Panasonic lens will work...not even the Olympus lenses like the 12mm f/2 etc. Oh well, it was a nice thought while it lasted.
Third party manufacturers have a habit of coming up with specialised mounts. I'm not sure about the practicalities in this case, but one may produce a 4/3 mount with contacts. The current BM option sounds like this is the quickest method of getting a 4/3 mount into the market, the electronic version could add months of delay.
Tony Davies-Patrick October 7th, 2012, 05:37 AM Brian, I think at that price point, the weather-sealed GH3 with its far better form-factor, handling, system add-ons, quality stills image files, AVCHD capture up to 1080/50p and a QuickTime mode that records at 1080/24p, 1080/25p or 720/50p using a high 72Mbit/s bit rate, would I think be a better option for the top-grade 4/3 lenses.
Simon Wood October 7th, 2012, 06:53 AM I think Thomas did great job but after reading this thread he may never may never want to make another comparison video again. That was a lot of work.
The ability to accept criticism is the mark of a professional (and mature) individual. If people decided never to make a 2nd movie because of criticism over the 1st, then I doubt there would be any film or t.v industry (because even the most successful movies of all time have more than their fair share of critics).
At any rate I believe the majority of the posts in this thread were generally positive with regards to the footage of the BMC, while a minority of posts questioned the quality of the footage of the 5DMk3. That seems like legitimate discussion to me.
Sabyasachi Patra October 9th, 2012, 06:56 AM Nice BMC commercial.
I hope many people buy the BMC and (hopefully BMC is able to manage its manufacturing processes as it is not easy for a first time electronics manufacturer), pushing Canon to offer even better products at lower price.
Mark Kenfield October 9th, 2012, 09:53 PM Wow, just watched the full downloaded version on my 50" Plasma up-close. What a fantastic comparison video! Just about the best one I've ever seen I think.
It slows-down and pauses when it needs to, and points out all the important differences you'd want to stop and focus on.
Personally, I think it highlights the differences in approach to video in these two cameras perfectly. They're exactly the sort of differences I was expecting to see - but actually seeing them side-by-side really does make the difference much more apparent.
Bravo OneRiver, and thank you.
Peer Landa October 9th, 2012, 11:00 PM What a fantastic comparison video! Just about the best one I've ever seen I think.
Obviously, since Blackmagic is Australian should disqualify any Aussie to broadcast their opinion on this matter.
Relax -- I'm just kiddin'. Hey, also I am very impressed with how professional this comparison test was conducted, and also how conclusive its results were -- favoring the BMC.
-- peer