View Full Version : GoPro Hero 2 FOV settings

Alastair Traill
September 17th, 2012, 10:32 PM
I am new to GoPro (Hero 2) and have a query about the FOV (field of view) settings). The menu gives me a choice of wide, medium and narrow. In this instance I want to set “narrow” to do time-lapse. According to the metadata I have succeeded in setting 16mm and 23mm focal lengths that I assume are the wide and medium focal length equivalents. So far I have not managed to set “narrow” and it is not even mentioned in the user manual.

If narrow exists how do I set it?

Chris Harding
September 17th, 2012, 10:42 PM
Hi Alastair

Turn on the camera and press the front button until you get to the "spanner" and then press the top button to take you into the setup menu. Use the front button to move to FOV and press the top button again and you will get the 3 options (wide, medium, narrow). Use the front button to select "narrow" and then the top to confirm...then the front button to take you all the way to EXIT and the top button to exit. You will see a "N" to the right of the video icon to indicate you are in narrow FOV


Alastair Traill
September 17th, 2012, 11:31 PM
Thanks Chris,

Pleased to know it should work.

I have tried all that and still end up with an "M" where I expected to see an "N". It must be my unit. I note that the FOV options are only available in 1080 25 mode.

Chris Harding
September 18th, 2012, 02:34 AM
Hi Alastair

Correct..are you sure that you are set to 1080 25P (also make sure you have your unit set to PAL (in the MORE... menu) I have physically set mine while reading your post and mine comes up with an "N"

BTW: The "N" also looks a lot like an "M" so look carefully!!!


Alastair Traill
September 18th, 2012, 04:04 AM
Thanks again Chris,

It definitely displays 1080 25 and PAL. I have looked very hard at the "M". The settings used are shown in the metadata and as mentioned I have seen 16 mm focal length against the wide shots and 23 mm against the medium shots. The shots also look different as one would expect.

I have eMailed my supplier for advice.

Chris Harding
September 18th, 2012, 05:10 AM
Hi Alastair

Very strange??? Are you sure you are selecting the "narrow" option and then pressing the top button to actually "set" it???? The first time I did it it also kept going back to the default!!

Second other question??? Is your firmware updated?? There is a link right here to update the firmware from Ian Newland ...2nd post works perfectly if you are NOT on firmware 8.1


Alastair Traill
September 18th, 2012, 07:03 AM
Thanks yet again Chris,

I am as sure as I can be that I am selecting "narrow" and I am sure that there is no N displayed or N results when taking shots.

However, I am not sure what firmware it has, since it was only delivered yesterday I like to think it should be reasonably current. I did peruse the GoPro site at one stage and found an update for the Hero that was not to be used for the Hero 2. As there seemed to be no reference to an update for the Hero 2 I assumed (apparently incorrectly) that there was not one. Ian's instruction look good so I will give it a try.

Alastair Traill
September 18th, 2012, 04:23 PM
If I am looking at the correct data the firmware was "info version 1.0 HD2.08.12.70" and is now "info version 1.0 HD2 WIFI. R33.00". The problem of not being able to set the narrow FOV option still persists. My next step is to complete a return authorisation form.