View Full Version : Post questions for the Canon Product Manager

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Greg Boston
September 14th, 2005, 12:55 PM
Chris H. has asked me to start this thread with your questions for the Canon Product Manager as he will be meeting with him tomorrow. He wants to be able to put forth your most pressing questions that haven't been answered by the information already available here at DVINFO.

Chris also mentioned that starting today, with the announcement of the XLH1 camera, HDV2 now includes 24 frame as part of the spec along with 4 channel 192khz audio. Because Canon is part of the consortium, they were able to bring these new capabilities into the HDV specification.

Also, I asked about GOP length and it is 15 frame GOP ala the Sony. He stated that uncompressed HD is also available via the component outputs, not just the SDI output and all modes, 60i, 30f, 24f are available via these outputs.

Hope that answers some questions. Post your other questions in this thread.



Mikko Wilson
September 14th, 2005, 01:00 PM
Ok.. how about what can it send thoruhg firewire? HDV only?
Does the HDV firestore work with the XLH1?

Can it also output regular SD- SDI when running in SD (or HD!) mode?

and how do you connect the computer that is running the Controller software?
How about tally? could the software possibly send the camera a Tally signal? ..a tally signal that could be sent to the control computer from external hardware, like a switcher?

Can you control multiple cameras with just one computer running the software, or is it one computer per camera?

Put in a request for an adapter to standard Canon Broadcast lenses.. or a lense with internal zoom and focus servos that can use standard Canon Pro lense controls.

- Mikko

Greg Boston
September 14th, 2005, 01:11 PM
and how do you connect the computer that is running the Controller software?

Can you control multiple cameras with just one computer running the software, or is it one computer per camera?

Put in a request for an adapter to standard Canon Broadcast lenses.. or a lense with internal zoom and focus servos that can use standard Canon Pro lense controls.

- Mikko

Mikko, the software connects via firewire according to Canon's website. As for multiple cameras, that is a good question. Thanks for posting.


Jay Gladwell
September 14th, 2005, 01:19 PM
Okay, assuming you're right, Greg (based on our other discussion), and I have no doubt you are, I'd like to know why they stepped over their "prosumer" customers with this model.

Too, I'd like to know why it's twice the price of other HD cameras.

Thank you.


Philip Williams
September 14th, 2005, 01:24 PM
Will a 24F or 30F frame retain full resolution. Example: Will a 60i and 24F resolution chart show the same lines of resolution, or will there be some softening of the 24F frame.

I assume 1/48th shutter is a giving considering the 24hz sampling?

Philip Williams

Ram Ganesh
September 14th, 2005, 02:35 PM
1) How is 24F different from 24P?

2) Any realistic workflow of making 24F look like 24P in a NLE.

A. J. deLange
September 14th, 2005, 02:40 PM
Is it possible to record to the DV casette for shorter periods at higher bit rates e.g. 100 bps for 15 min?

Stephen van Vuuren
September 14th, 2005, 02:42 PM
Ask a couple of questions about 24F. Then probe for more details on 24F. You might also ask for some depth white papers on 24F....

Okay, you get the point.

The nature of real progressive frames from this camera is issue #1 for me. I hear what's been said already but without images and the camera in hand, we don't really know that much yet.

However, the good news is that Canon did not lose their mind and understand what a big deal 24p is for their target market.

Nick Hiltgen
September 14th, 2005, 04:12 PM
Since they're tauting it's still ability, does that mean that I'll be able to use my fa-200 (flash adapter) on it or has that been done away with.

Steven White
September 14th, 2005, 09:02 PM
Is Canon going to encourage prosumber HD-SDI -> hard disk solutions? i.e., something like a Firestone or an iPod that takes HD-SDI in and converts directly to a codec and stores it?

Suppose for example they made a $1000-$2000 HD-SDI -> DVCPRO-HD drive, or better yet, an HD-SDI -> Cineform drive. Such a device would offer excellent storage capacity, and with these codec's modest disk requirements compared to the full uncompressed signal, offer excellent options for post production work and editing.

Certainly such a product going to HDCAM SR would be ideal - but as an interum step, such a device would not only place the price point of this camera exactly the same as a fully loaded HVX with P2.


Philip Williams
September 14th, 2005, 09:08 PM
<snip>Suppose for example they made a $1000-$2000 HD-SDI -> DVCPRO-HD drive, or better yet, an HD-SDI -> Cineform drive. <snip>

That sounds great, but its going to cost 2 grand just for a firestore that reads the DVCPRO-HD data stream directly off an HVX. I think packing a processor into a drive unit that can do realtime conversion from HD-SDI to DVCPRO-HD would cost.. well, a lot more than 1-2K :(

Philip Williams

Michael Dalton
September 14th, 2005, 09:17 PM
1. When are going to have some lens options, specifically the wide angle 3x lens, and can I use my ef adapter with eos lenses?

2. is there any way now or in the future to output to 24fps (full rez, i'm sure that we all know what the argument is about), either through a framestore, ipod, harddrive....etc. without the interlace conversion to tape.


Michael Dalton
September 14th, 2005, 09:19 PM
to add to that, to output in field situation far away from a studio. And options that are low in cost.

Bob Thompson
September 14th, 2005, 09:43 PM
Can you downconvert from HDVon tape to DV via the firewire output

Meryem Ersoz
September 14th, 2005, 10:05 PM
yes to the lens is still not clear to me whether i can use existing XL lenses and what will happen to image quality if i do, or if they plan to release a set of HD lenses (what is the advantage of interchangeable lenses, if there are no lenses to switch to?) and if it is compatible with the existing EF adapter and eos lenses...

Yi Fong Yu
September 14th, 2005, 10:44 PM
1. please ask about 24F vs. 24p.

2. interchangeable lense

Edwin Hernandez
September 14th, 2005, 10:58 PM
What would happen if I decide to use the new 20x HD lens with my old Canon XL1?

Backward compatibility: What about batteries, mics, etc?

Greg Boston
September 14th, 2005, 11:05 PM
What would happen if I decide to use the new 20x HD lens with my old Canon XL1?

Backward compatibility: What about batteries, mics, etc?

Yes, same battery, same mic will work. You can also put the new 20X on the older cameras but it will not give the distance readout in the vf nor will you be able to do the back focus adjustment. I was wondering myself whether or not the HD lens on my XL2 would improve the image even more.


Bob Thompson
September 14th, 2005, 11:26 PM
Can you shoot SD 4:3 and SD 16:9 with this camera

Eric Brown
September 14th, 2005, 11:29 PM
1) Is the $9000.00 set in stone?
2) How about someone who will get into the trenches with the troops on this new camera and the XL2 the way Jan does with the DVX and soon the HVX crowd.

David Gomez
September 15th, 2005, 12:46 AM
1) Any Auto focus on this baby or all manual like the JVC? Yeah I know, I should not even think of buying this if the novice in me plans to use autofocus.

2) Are you able to downconvert from footage shot in HD to SD resolution like on the Sony?


Michael Wisniewski
September 15th, 2005, 02:00 AM
1) Any Auto focus on this babyYes, here's a shot of the AF/MF settings in the menu

and another shot of the AF/MF and focus preset switches on the HD lens

Chris Hurd
September 15th, 2005, 07:26 AM
My network card flaked out last night -- limited access now -- more later! Keep those questions coming,

Meryem Ersoz
September 15th, 2005, 07:46 AM
also, (related to the lens question), if/when is there a body only option? (might help the sticker shock to stage in this purchase)....

Thomas Smet
September 15th, 2005, 08:32 AM
1. Can we now switch only one audio channel to front mic and the other to input or are we still limited by both audio channels mapped to either front or mic input?

2. is the SDI 8 bit, 10 bit or 12 bit?

3. If some or all of the frames are flagged as progressive will that help the mpeg2 encoder to actually encode as a progressive video?

4. Since it uses the HDV2 1080i format would the SONY HDV deck work with footage from the XLH1 or will there be issues because of the expanded HDV specs?

5. Is the viewfinder/LCD display the same as the XL2 or it higher resolution?

Kevin Dooley
September 15th, 2005, 08:45 AM
I know these are questions for the product rep, but on another "livestock oriented" forum there was a link stating that the SDI was 10bit. I don't know how true it is, but that's the info I found...

Jean-Philippe Archibald
September 15th, 2005, 08:51 AM
Can you shoot SD 4:3 and SD 16:9 with this camera

According to this pictures:

You can shoot in SD mode in 4:3 and 16:9.

John DeLuca
September 15th, 2005, 12:38 PM
Will a 24F or 30F frame retain full resolution. Example: Will a 60i and 24F resolution chart show the same lines of resolution, or will there be some softening of the 24F frame.

I assume 1/48th shutter is a giving considering the 24hz sampling?

Philip Williams

In my opinion this question, along with the lux rating, will make or break the camera.


A. J. deLange
September 15th, 2005, 12:58 PM
30*1920*1080*12*2 = 1.49299e+09 so it's not 12.
30*1920*1080*10*2 = 1.24416e+09 and 30*1920*1080*8*2 =9.95328e+08 so it could be 8 or 10 depending on how much the audio takes and how much overhead (framing, synch, EDAC etc.) is in the stream.

Michael Wisniewski
September 15th, 2005, 03:08 PM
1. From the Canon people on the floor there will be a special HDV version of the Firestore.

2. XL H1 viewfinder/LCD display differs from the XL2
- Color LCD: 2.4" vs 2.0"
- Pixels: 215,000 pixels vs 200,000

3. I asked some of the more technical questions listed, but I'm still waiting on solid answers.

Eric Brown
September 15th, 2005, 05:37 PM
One more thing

Would you guys please, please make Mac software? The Software Developer's kit was bad enough being just for PC, now you release the console software and once again, no Mac version.
Canon always talks of how compatible its camcorders are with the Mac, please don't half-step.
Do something about the software!
Do you have any idea how many people use FCP? I think it goes without saying.
Sorry, that was my rant for the day.

Eric Brown
September 15th, 2005, 05:40 PM
[QUOTE=Michael Wisniewski]1. From the Canon people on the floor there will be a special HDV version of the Firestore.

2. XL H1 viewfinder/LCD display differs from the XL2
- Color LCD: 2.4" vs 2.0"
- Pixels: 215,000 pixels vs 200,000

Any idea if this is backwards compatible with the XL2?

Kevin Dooley
September 15th, 2005, 05:42 PM
I got a question if it's not too late...

Is there a companion deck forthcoming for this camera, or will the footage work with any previous decks? DV used to be so easy... any DVCAM/DVCPRO 50 deck would play just about anything from anyone... But now, every camera changes the HDV standard just a little and no ones decks work... Grr Arg.

Kevin Wild
September 15th, 2005, 05:53 PM
Some subtle, but excellent changes to the viewfinder also:

-Black and white switch
-Flip switch (for 35mm lens adaptor setups)

Great news that they've added some more things. At first, I thought this was a bit lazy using so much of the XL2. But they have definitely added some nice features. $9000 worth? Well...we'll see.


Michael Wisniewski
September 15th, 2005, 05:54 PM
Re: the Control Software

It works with one camcorder at a time. They weren't sure if you could run multiple copies on the same computer. But from what I saw, running more than one copy, would be pretty taxing on the computer.

You can transfer identical settings to multiple H1s wirelessly (10 feet or less) or via the SD card. I imagine we'll see multiple camera operators gathering together to synchronize their H1s before heading out on a mission. (okay everyone synchronize your H1s).

Genlock of course works with multiple cams.

Michael Wisniewski
September 15th, 2005, 05:57 PM
... HDV version of Firestore ... any idea if this is backwards compatible with the XL2? Yes, it will be backward compatible.

Marty Hudzik
September 15th, 2005, 07:01 PM
I think he was asking of the viewfinder. Is that backwards compatible? Becaus ethe 2.0" one is really more like 1.5" when in 16x9. The new EVF looks to be 16x9 native which means a much larger image.

Kevin Dooley
September 15th, 2005, 07:44 PM
-Flip switch (for 35mm lens adaptor setups)

I'm not quite sure I get what this is... can anyone explain?

Philip Williams
September 15th, 2005, 07:47 PM
I'm not quite sure I get what this is... can anyone explain?

I think they're talking about running those mini35 rigs that, while letting you use great lenses, flips the video so that it appears upside down in the viewfinder. Easy to fix in the editing suite, but would admittedly be inconvenient while shooting.

I'm sure someone will chime in with an actual technical explanation.

In any event, its definitely interesting that canon added the feature.

Philip Williams

Kevin Wild
September 15th, 2005, 07:55 PM
Yes that's exactly what I was mentioning. I've stayed away from these 35mm adapter units so far to see which one emerges as the best unit. But one thing I could not get over was the fact that the image was upside down. Yes, you can buy LCD's that had a "flip" feature, but I already own a monitor and an LCD monitor. I don't want to buy another! So, not only do I like the feature from Canon, but I LOVE what it represents: that these guys are watching what's popular in the marketplace and are trying their best to deliver.


Greg Boston
September 15th, 2005, 08:36 PM
Some subtle, but excellent changes to the viewfinder also:

-Black and white switch
-Flip switch (for 35mm lens adaptor setups)

Great news that they've added some more things. At first, I thought this was a bit lazy using so much of the XL2. But they have definitely added some nice features. $9000 worth? Well...we'll see.


Anothe subtle change I noticed. Look at the vf in the image gallery from the backside. You'll see that they have improved the microphone holder as well. I presume to help with noise isolation. It's definitely different than my XL2 mic holders.


Robert J. Wolff
September 15th, 2005, 08:37 PM

Are we still stuck with that half past built in mike system? Are they finally going 'lagit, and using mini XLR? No more 1/8th inch connector's PLEASE!!

Marty Hudzik
September 15th, 2005, 10:39 PM
Anothe subtle change I noticed. Look at the vf in the image gallery from the backside. You'll see that they have improved the microphone holder as well. I presume to help with noise isolation. It's definitely different than my XL2 mic holders.


I don't know if has been mentioned or confirmed but the iris control seems to have gone back to a more traditional wheel. Which is great but it leaves the hybrid iris switch/wheel on the XL2 as the lone XL series camera to have this. Almost like a bad experiment that went wrong. Remember New Coke? There wheel system is ideal. After a full year this thing is still a pain to use if you have to open close iris fast.

Kevin Wild
September 15th, 2005, 10:41 PM
Is the Iris still "stepped" though rather than truly variable? Man, that does scream pro-sumer. I hope the answer is that they changed it and thus the switch from switch/wheel to wheel.

Fingers are crossed.


Chris Hurd
September 15th, 2005, 10:43 PM
Sorry, no, it is still stepped. It is not an analog wheel.

Marty Hudzik
September 15th, 2005, 10:57 PM
Any word on backwards compatibilty of the new Viewfinder with the XL2?


Ram Ganesh
September 15th, 2005, 11:07 PM
ask him/her to visit these forums everyweek (like Jan)

Chris Hurd
September 15th, 2005, 11:07 PM
Hi Marty, official word is no on that, I had an H1 and XL2 side by side for a short while and I should have plugged one EVF into the other camera but just didn't think about it. They're saying no those two viewfinders are not cross-compatible. Same connection jacks, though.

Chris Hurd
September 15th, 2005, 11:09 PM
ask him/her to visit these forums everyweek (like Jan)

Believe me, I have been hammering on Canon about this for years now.

Jan sets a tough standard for others to follow. The only one who comes close is Ken Freed from JVC. He is a hell of a good guy to know. My only complaint about Ken is that we can't get enough of him.

Barry Green
September 16th, 2005, 07:11 AM
I'd like to know:

a) does it have any compatibility with HDV 720p? Can it play back 720p tapes at all... and if so, can it play them back to firewire? and, can it record 720p via firewire, so it could be used to clone tapes?

b) does it have any provision for cloning timecode from the firewire stream, so that it could make an actual clone of an HDV tape (720p or 1080i) including timecode?