View Full Version : Manfrotto 505 Yellow Springs color question

Robert Lee
September 16th, 2012, 08:29 AM
Hi guys:

Hope everyone's enjoying the weekend.

I tried to check online, and research it but haven't found any info that could shed light on it.
I had tried to contact the rep that sold it to me, but he's on the road, so thought I run it by my fellow DVinfo friends.

I picked up a couple of Manfrotto 505 , and finally have a chance to sit down and assemble the 505 and insert the springs.

But what I'm not sure is how much weight the yellow spring can handle?

When I checked the manual it only lists 4.

White 1 lb
Gray 2 lb
Green 5 lb
Red 8 lb

So I'm not sure if it was a case where the manual is out of date, or I just received an extra bonus spring in error


Chris Soucy
September 17th, 2012, 07:21 PM
Hi, Robert...................

I'm going to take a punt on this one, but it could be completely erroneous, so take it with a pinch of salt.

Both the Vinten (as was) and (some)Gitzo heads used(d) the same spring system, I wasn't aware Manfrotto had one too (just goes to show, you never know everything) but I guess it would be the same springs as the other two - Vitec wouldn't bother to make more than one spring system.

The Vinten system is, I believe, dicontinued, though the info MAY be lurking on their web site (somewhere) but AFAIK the Gitzo system is still extant and somewhere on their web site will be the full range, I've seen them.

You do have to take the figures with a large pinch of salt though, it is so dependent on COG they are usually pretty meaningless, simply a rough guide.

Give it a whirl and see how you go.


Robert Lee
September 18th, 2012, 10:23 AM
Hi Chris:

I'm not familiar with the term "pinch of salt" but I believe I understand what you're saying.

Another colleague had made a similar suggestion but comparing it to the Gitzo model, where the yellow spring on the Gitzmo model would handle weight up to 22lbs.

Glad to know you and my colleague gave me enough confidence to try that yellow spring out.

So I took a crack at it yesterday and inserted the yellow spring, and it looks like it can handle the weight of the camera and the teleprompter.



Robert Lee
August 7th, 2016, 08:00 AM
A much belated answer to the question, a few months ago I bought an extra spring set, and on the box it had a label

E550, 708
505 Spring
Set 1-2-5-8-10

I can only conclude that the box of 5, has to match up the weight capacity of the springs, so by default, the 10 represents the yellow spring that can hold up to 10lbs.... Which may explain why even if it could withstand weight of up to 22lbs (tripod carrying a teleprompter weight and nx5u camera of about 5lb each that the tripod would occasionally tilt.... Glad I found a new tripod that can handle up to 35 lbs!!!