View Full Version : ? about 24p

Kevin Lewis
September 11th, 2012, 09:30 AM
If I shoot at 30p then export from my nle (Sony Vegas) at 24p, will this be the same as shooting 24p in the first place? I have a shoot coming up and im trying to decide if I want to shoot it at 24 or 30p.

Mark Koha
September 11th, 2012, 01:24 PM
So would you be shooting at 30, editing at 30, then doing your final export at 24? Did I read that right?

Kevin Lewis
September 11th, 2012, 07:56 PM
Mark, yes that is correct.The reason for this is that I dont want to record at 24p and then be stuck with it if I decide that its not quite the right look for the project. I record most projects at 30p with the exception of sports which I normally do at 60I. Ive had the XHA1 for may years but have never used it for 24p.

Chris Barcellos
September 11th, 2012, 09:21 PM
Converting 30p to 24p is a major no-no. It just doesn't go well. Some how, in the conversion process, you have to squeeze an odd number of frames (6) out of the stream. This is reason we ended up begging Canon to give 24p in the Canon 5 D Mark II, when it originally did only 30p. Canon eventually relented in new firmware. I think most will say you get better results converting 60i to 24p because of the subtleties of half frames in 60i.

Taky Cheung
September 19th, 2012, 12:15 PM
Imagine skipping 6 frames per second, converting 30p to 24p will cause lots of skipping. So if you want final output 24p, film at 24p.

Buba Kastorski
September 25th, 2012, 06:50 AM
if delivery will be web - shoot 30p, cuz any hosting site will convert it to 30p anyways,
but i'd shoot 30p in any case, out of all digital cameras, that I tried, only RED, pattially due to enormous amount of data, has decent 24 frames, all others 24-48Mbs streams look like stuttering video to me.

Kevin Lewis
September 25th, 2012, 12:50 PM
Bubba, I've had my xha1 for a few years now and I have only recently played around with24p. Im curious, do you feel the same way about 24p shot with a dslr? Im weighing options which is why I ask.