View Full Version : How About Feed Back for Dylan, Lorinda, Guy and Chris Hurd's Part In DVChallenge
Chris Barcellos September 10th, 2012, 12:44 PM This feedback forum has been used by the DVChallenge film makers to post comments on their films, and on other's films, but I am steering this thread in a little different direction. I would like to offer my thanks to those who have made this regular challenge a place for many of us to undertake and show work that we would never had a chance to show otherwise.
DVChallenge 22 has brought in a lot of great film makers that I am honored to even be on the same page with. The films have just been fantastic, and the interpretation of the theme has been so varied. Not at all what I expected. I think a vote of thanks is absolutely in order.
To Chris Hurd, thank you for sanctioning this challenge on your no nonsense forum. As I said, the chance to work around and talk with the quality film makers involved has been tremendous.
To Guy Cochran, your prize contributions have encouraged us and given us a little extra push to get our films completed. The DVChallenge 22 prize brought out the best film makers and your support of the Challenge is greatly appreciated.
To Dylan Couper, you have been Mr. DVChallenge from day one, and DV Challenge 22 just carried it all forward again. (By the way, was there a DVChallenge 21 I missed ?)
And, last, but not least, Lorinda Norton. We all know you are the "prime mover" when it comes to getting these Challenges rolling, and you dedication is appreciated. What I do miss is your films in the mix, When are we going to see some from you again ? I remember fondly many of your films, and in particular the two Santas caught in the chimney. (I hope I remember that right.)
Andrew Bove September 10th, 2012, 03:23 PM And also a big thank you to all the long time dvcers for so warmly welcoming us “new boots” to your supportive community. It obvious why this has been a success for so long. Your good humor, stories, sharing of expertise, and supportive enthusiasm is truly special.
It's been a pleasure learning with all of you; if you'll have me back, I look forward to doing it all again next year.
Mat Thompson September 10th, 2012, 03:51 PM Yep, a definite 'BIG UP' to all the folks who make this challenge happen. I know from working on UWOL how much work it can take to get these things organised!
Cheers to you all !
Lorinda Norton September 11th, 2012, 01:13 AM Aw, that's mighty kind of you, Chris. Perhaps if we start adding categories to the challenge I will enter in the "old shooters eating dust" competition. ;)
Mitchell Stookey and I are two of the five finishers of DVC 1, so it is always a thrill to see his films that I love so much. But I shouldn't get started with names; otherwise, I run the risk of leaving out friends like Dick, you (Chris), Joseph, Andris and more. In addition to seeing great films from old friends and returning filmmakers, this round has been exciting because of the fresh, friendly and talented new folks who joined in the fun. I hope they are all now addicted to the DV Challenge and will be back for more!
To answer your question about the numbering, I guess we counted the charity challenge as DVC 21. That's the story I'm sticking with, anyway.
Mark Hartopp September 11th, 2012, 01:41 AM Got to say I loved doing the challenge, been a member of dvinfo for some time, but never managed to have the time to take part. Now I feel I've missed out on past comps :(. I totally recommend this to anyone with a video camera. A BIG Well done to you all.
Frank Moody September 11th, 2012, 03:23 AM I'll start by saying "Thank You" to all those that made this happen! and "Thank You" for the great Prize
let me add a "Thank You" to Dick Mays for telling me about this group and this fine contest.
Now let me say "Damn" what a great group of film makers! I started this with high hopes of perhaps winning that fine Camera, then day one films posted and the air in my sails began to deflat then as it progressed more and more air escaped! Now I wonder if I will even be in the top five?
To that let me add win are lose this has been a great time! You all are so good and the feedback was awesome! Whom ever wins this can say that they truly WON!
Thank you all
Frank Moody
Mitchell Stookey September 11th, 2012, 08:17 AM Thanks for starting this thread Chris (Barcellos), because Lorinda, Dylan, Guy and Chris Hurd all deserve HUGE thanks. This community (DVC and DV Info) does so much more than just help you make something though (which is still awesome), but I truly believe that it helps you grow as an artist and filmmaker.
Lorinda, it's funny you should mention DVC #1, because thinking back to that for me is a testament to how much you can learn in these competitions. The film I made back then was AWFUL in almost every way, but mostly in the technical department, and I had no idea it was bad at all! But so many people helpfully pointed out what was wrong, things like my levels being all over the map (I think it had a scream in it that was 20 dB louder than anything else in the film!), or my audio only being in the left channel (whoops!), and it wasn't until they pointed it out was able to go back and even realize that something was off. It takes a lot of skill to even identify those problems, and I had no clue until people here showed that to me.
I love the DV Challenge and I can't say thank you enough, it is so much fun to be a part of this community, but it is much more than fun. It's really fertile training ground for filmmakers and artists! So one more time, THANK YOU!
Andrew Bove September 11th, 2012, 08:50 AM I totally recommend this to anyone with a video camera.
it's funny you should mention DVC #1
By the way, are any of the old DVC entries archived anywhere? I've read a lot of old posts, but there would be a lot to learn from all that footage for new people.
Mitchell Stookey September 11th, 2012, 08:58 AM By the way, are any of the old DVC entries archived anywhere? I've read a lot of old posts, but there would be a lot to learn from all that footage for new people.
Haha! My original DVC entry is definitely taken down due to embarrassment issues. I think it is on an old computer somewhere, but I am not sure if it should really ever see the light of day again.
Andrew Bove September 11th, 2012, 08:59 AM Haha! My original DVC entry is definitely taken down due to embarrassment issues. I think it is on an old computer somewhere, but I am not sure if it should really ever see the light of day again.
When you're famous, it'll be awesome.
Lorinda Norton September 11th, 2012, 09:43 AM Yeah, Mitchell, keep that in mind! :)
At least you applied what you learned. Some of my most embarrassing entries are those that I threw together more recently in order to stay off the Wall of Shame. Unprofessional as they might seem now, however, all the entries from early DVCs were grand entertainment, and I wouldn't trade them for anything. As a matter of fact, I miss the reckless adventures of those of us who were willing to try new things--even if it meant a crash and burn it made for some laughs and lots of fun. But everything "grows up" after awhile...
Andrew, my pal Robert Martens, a long-time DVC veteran, has an archive of almost every film. But I haven't seen him around here in a long time. Miss you, Robert!
Ruth Happel September 11th, 2012, 10:31 AM Yes, thanks so much for the forum and contests. I joined almost 6 years ago and almost right away got involved in the UWOL contests. I learned by doing, and the valuable feedback helped me to try new things and learn from their excellent examples.
I find the site a great mix of the forums and the contests, both inspiring and teaching me so much. Before joining this online community, my video experience was limited. I had shot video for years, but not tried to do much with it creatively. I believe this community has been the main reason I have explored new techniques and approaches. Though I have only participated in one DV Challenge before, this experience has pushed me in new directions.
Thanks so much to Chris, Dylan, Lorinda and Guy, and also everyone who provides advice and support on the forums and challenges here.
Toni Dolce September 11th, 2012, 10:41 AM It really is an amazing forum. So friendly, so knowledgeable, and so fun!
I feel like I found a safe place to experiment and be creative. I look forward to being upgraded from "New Boot" to "Major Player" !
Thanks again for an awesome competition and an awesome place to learn. I like what you said, Ruth, that you learn by doing. Absolutely!
Simon Wood September 11th, 2012, 12:11 PM Yup; thanks to everyone involved in DVC and UWOL!
As I said somewhere else its great to have the motivation to get out the door, meet new people, go to new places, and just film something.
UWOL helped me get my enthusiasm for filming back!
Lorinda Norton September 11th, 2012, 12:49 PM Yup; thanks to everyone involved in DVC and UWOL!
As I said somewhere else its great to have the motivation to get out the door, meet new people, go to new places, and just film something.
UWOL helped me get my enthusiasm for filming back!
Ooh, forgive me for hijacking the thread, but how can I pass up a plug like that?? :)
The UWOL Challenge is going on right now, and we did the unprecedented there--we left the sign-up open throughout! Sooooooo...if anyone is still amped up because of this challenge and wants to shoot a quick project around the theme "Interaction" by Oct. 4, come on downstairs and join UWOL 24!
Joseph Tran September 11th, 2012, 07:25 PM I joined DVC12 back in 2008, with "Metamorphosis" as my first foray into real narrative filmmaking. I was a huge lurker around these parts before I joined. (By the way, Dick's been bugging me for a while to get that film back up -- I'm gonna get it back online soon!) Anyway, since then, I've made a lot of new friends, and learned a hell of a lot when it comes to both the artistic and technical side of filmmaking.
Dylan & Lorinda -- I can't tell you how valuable the DVC is, along with its 'shut up and just shoot something, and get it done' mantra. I always love seeing how others create their work, and getting feedback for my own. Dylan -- I posted in another thread about how you always pushed me to make my work better... how to give dimension to flat lighting, how to improve sound, and I've spent countless hours experimenting and scouring the boards because of that. Lorinda -- thank you for being the gears that keep this machine well oiled and turning, always offering encouragement... oh, and thanks for also not letting me forget about my acting roots, hehe *blushes*.
Guy -- you are the icing on the cake. Your generosity certainly does not go unnoticed! Some of the toys you've offered us continue to be a part of my repertoire today, and is still one of my go to places when I need some new equipment and first hand reviews!
And of course...
Chris Hurd -- your site is an INDISPENSABLE resource for the sharing of knowledge and opinions for filmmakers of all kinds. This is truly one of the best things about the internet, and I thank you for keeping this site up and running!
When I was younger, a master magician had passed onto me a lifetime worth of knowledge. One day, I told him that there wasn't any way I could really repay him. "Just share the knowledge with others," he simply said. Here, I offer the same -- to continue sharing what I've learned here.
Again, my sincere thanks... and see you on the boards!
Adam Snow September 12th, 2012, 10:43 PM I couldn't agree more. You guys did and fantastic job! Thanks for making this possible!
Dick Mays September 13th, 2012, 05:35 AM The real prize to me, is not the generous gift provide by Guy, but the opportunity to present your work to an informed audience who will give you valuable feedback, with a minimum of ego. I am one of the people who still put a little bit of ego into my postings, but for the most part, the DV Challenge community is the most generous, warm spirited film competition anywhere.
We all want to make good films, but the truth is, when we start (except for ,maybe Josepeh and Toni) there are a lots of areas for improvement. Getting this feedback in a constructive manner, form a supportive community, is critical to making better films. I have improved a lot as a filmmaker and these challenges are one of the main reasons.
Other competitions let audiences vote, or support online voting in a way that encourages filmmakers to turn out friends and family, leading to a self promotional environment which encourages celebrating mediocrity instead of encouraging valid feedback. Voting from only the fellow filmmakers is the key to a reward system that consistently celebrates the top entries.
Personally, I have evolved a lot over the last five years. I started challenges being all about "winning," but to me there is no greater win than seeing more first time filmmakers join the challenge and also seeing a fellow filmmaker knock the lights out with a production so good that it inspired me to make my films better. There are several really beautiful entries in this challenge.
The Challenge almost died, with a lack of interest from long time participants. Guy's incredible generosity is probably responsible for the better turn out this time, but I was personally hoping for 22 entries for DVC22. We could grow this competition into the best online, if we all work to promote it.
Some of the films should make their way into festivals. Some festivals don't want the films online when they are submitted. It might be, that people are avoiding the DV Challenge, once they believe their films are good enough to submit to festivals. I think we can change this. I consider this community a development incubator for films, not a public festival.
I plan on reshooting the bottle being poured out, ripping off Toni's shoe closeup, and changing music, and adding scenes, and then think I have a festival worthy short film. I'll make the DVC link private, and include the line "Developed as part of The DV Challenge film project".
We can all work to turn out fellow filmmakers and promote Guy's DVestore with our dollars and recommendations. Yesterday, I was using the Diva light ring for a taped audition, and was asked where I got it, and gave them the link to Guy's online store. I hope we can give back to the group as much as we have received, and help to grow this competition into a resource with international recognition.
The feedback forum, is the real prize of the competition. There is so much valuable information there, and a minimum of ego based distractions. I am still working to remove the ego from my feedback entries, but that will continue to be a lifelong project for me.
And yes, we all owe our thanks to Lorinda, Dylan, Guy, and Chris!
Andrew Bove September 13th, 2012, 02:56 PM The real prize to me, is not the generous gift provide by Guy, but the opportunity to present your work to an informed audience who will give you valuable feedback, with a minimum of ego. I am one of the people who still put a little bit of ego into my postings, but for the most part, the DV Challenge community is the most generous, warm spirited film competition anywhere.
Please keep your egotisical remarks coming, they're really funny.
We all want to make good films, but the truth is, when we start (except for ,maybe Josepeh and Toni) there are a lots of areas for improvement. Getting this feedback in a constructive manner, form a supportive community, is critical to making better films. I have improved a lot as a filmmaker and these challenges are one of the main reasons.
I feel like I just took a free month long filmmaking class. I'll definitely be back next semester.
Other competitions let audiences vote, or support online voting in a way that encourages filmmakers to turn out friends and family, leading to a self promotional environment which encourages celebrating mediocrity instead of encouraging valid feedback. Voting from only the fellow filmmakers is the key to a reward system that consistently celebrates the top entries.
If the DVC had the usual online traffic generating mass voting system, I would never have made a film.
Some of the films should make their way into festivals.....
"Developed as part of The DV Challenge film project".
This is a very cool idea. And I'd love to be informed if anyone does this. I feel invested in all of these films now, and it'll be cool to see them win more awards and be enjoyed by millions!
We can all work to turn out fellow filmmakers and promote Guy's DVestore with our dollars and recommendations. Yesterday, I was using the Diva light ring for a taped audition, and was asked where I got it, and gave them the link to Guy's online store. I hope we can give back to the group as much as we have received, and help to grow this competition into a resource with international recognition.
Whoever wins should make Guy a nice DVeStore ( thank you video or something for sure!
Joseph Tran September 14th, 2012, 02:57 PM I'm sure we all echo Dick's sentiments -- the feedback from this audience here, along with all the other countless threads, have been an invaluable resource for me. I'm extremely glad the DVC hasn't died off!
For me, it certainly wasn't a lack of interest. I personally had to leave the arts for a little bit -- I found myself living in Argentina for a time -- before I was able to come back with full force and newfound energy. The next couple of years, I found myself performing my magic show aboard cruise ships. Last summer, I realized that my crew hadn't done much with the equipment I left them (guess it really IS hard to get a project done!) So, I took back the reigns with my return... and 5 or so missed DVC's later, it feels really great to film again, starting with the last DVC/UWOL Charity Challenge.
It's an even bigger treat to see familiar names again, along with new faces. I miss hearing from guys like Robert Martens, who always brought laughs and good cheer to the boards!
So, it comes with no question -- I'll be using the DVInfo & DVeStore plug again soon!
P.S. Dick -- you're becoming a too much of a diva these days. Even Mariah Carey and Michael Bay are urging you to dial it back a little.