Mike Calla
September 9th, 2012, 11:51 AM
Project interchange in V12: Sony is finally getting it right!!
Since v9, and really for me since v7, all version updates have been incremental. I'm a straight cut guy, so most new features haven't really been needed. Honestly the best features for me have actually been in the editing and how great and fluid it is to work with clips, err 'events'. Using avid and watching users of fcp and ppro is painful sometimes compared to Vegas.
But, as someone who's been here since v1, and has been moving forward, experience wise, Sony just kept giving me bare minimum for updates.
The more I aged, and learnt and grew, the more I collaborated with other post professionals, the more Vegas became a hindrance.
Forced me to move out of Vegas for certain tasks or projects - for example:
- I use ae to import a LUT at the end of my project
- I use Avid a lot now for various import export of projects from other apps.
It forced me to come up with exotic workflows, with gargantuan uncompressed files, gamma shift workarounds or Google 'Vegas render out to fcp/ae' for the umpteenth time in case there was any new developments!
I really love Vegas, and all of us here know that it IS as good as any other NLE out there, except when it came time to colaborate with other software.
Now, for me, the Project Interchange is HUGE and effectively keeps me in Vegas longer, and this fact makes me a better customer for Sony!
If its stable, I'm in!
Since v9, and really for me since v7, all version updates have been incremental. I'm a straight cut guy, so most new features haven't really been needed. Honestly the best features for me have actually been in the editing and how great and fluid it is to work with clips, err 'events'. Using avid and watching users of fcp and ppro is painful sometimes compared to Vegas.
But, as someone who's been here since v1, and has been moving forward, experience wise, Sony just kept giving me bare minimum for updates.
The more I aged, and learnt and grew, the more I collaborated with other post professionals, the more Vegas became a hindrance.
Forced me to move out of Vegas for certain tasks or projects - for example:
- I use ae to import a LUT at the end of my project
- I use Avid a lot now for various import export of projects from other apps.
It forced me to come up with exotic workflows, with gargantuan uncompressed files, gamma shift workarounds or Google 'Vegas render out to fcp/ae' for the umpteenth time in case there was any new developments!
I really love Vegas, and all of us here know that it IS as good as any other NLE out there, except when it came time to colaborate with other software.
Now, for me, the Project Interchange is HUGE and effectively keeps me in Vegas longer, and this fact makes me a better customer for Sony!
If its stable, I'm in!