View Full Version : trimmer doesn't show video all the time

Milt Lee
September 5th, 2012, 12:53 PM
Hi Folks, I am really frustrated with how the trimmer is working now. (Vegas 11 pro) What is happening is that when I double click on a file and it opens in the trimmer, it comes us with just the audio showing. I then click on a place in the audio and hit the space bar to start it playing and Voila! - the video in the big box shows up. But as soon as I stop it - where I want to edit it, the video disappears again.

In fact - previously in 9 and 10 and before, I would see video thumbnails, and then the big preview video window above that. All of these various tracks were resizable - but the thumbnails are completely gone, and the big video preview disappears when I stop playing.

Did I mess up an options or preferences setting?

thanks for your help! This is making me crazy.

Edward Troxel
September 6th, 2012, 08:39 AM
You can resize the audio/video area sizes by dragging the line between them up and down. Mine stays set wherever I drag it to.

Chip Gallo
September 6th, 2012, 09:06 AM
I noticed this behavior in the VP11 trimmer too. I rearranged it by dragging and later the trimmer had reverted back to an audio-only display. This is on a dual-monitor configuration with the trimmer on the 2nd monitor (shouldn't make any difference, right?).

Milt Lee
September 6th, 2012, 09:53 AM
Thanks. I understand about clicking on the line and dragging it up and down. But the problem is that the video isn't showing at all until I start it playing, so it's not possible to make it bigger or smaller - it just isn't there.

Milt Lee
September 6th, 2012, 10:00 AM
OK I found part of the problem. With the trimmer open, I right clicked on it, and saw that there were options for the trimmer. One of the options was "Show Video Frames" - which wasn't checked. When I checked it, suddenly the video frames showed up. Who knew? And how did I manage to get it UNchecked. Oh well.
Thanks guys!

Edward Troxel
September 6th, 2012, 11:48 AM
That option is unchecked by default.