View Full Version : Two new VG camcorders on the way?
Chris Joy September 3rd, 2012, 03:06 PM Rumors claim TWO new VG camcorders are coming next week:
Sony NEX-VG900 camcorder: interchangeable lens HD camera with 24MP Exmor CMOS full frame sensor, 1080×1920 video recording at 24p/60p, 3″ LCD, XGA OLED EVF, price: $3,300.
Sony NEX-VG30/VG30H camcorders: 16MP Exmor APS-C sensor, BIONZ processor, 1080×1920 video recording at 24p/60p, 3″ LCD, XGA OLED EVF, available in November from $1,800.
I still can't believe the price of the alleged FF VG camera, just seems "too cheap" as the first FF sensor camcorder ever and its awfully close to the price of the A99 that allegedly coming - which will be offered with an XLR audio input terminal.
If XLR's and picture profiles that can be customized don't find their way to the VG, the A99 may be my next camera.
Can't wait to see the DR, resolution, moire and aliasing tests from the "new" 16mp APS-c sensor and the 24mp FF sensor.
John Vincent September 3rd, 2012, 05:00 PM Not exactly sure what Sony is thinking - it weakened the VG20 to the point where it didn't sell (apparently in an effort to protect the FS100) then brought out the AE50, a VG20 in a ENG body and (presumably) full manual controls.
These rumors of a FF have been hot in heavy, but even if true why would anyone care? BMD and/or Canon Mark III are likely to garner anyone buying a camera in the near future at that price point.
This even more true if the cameras are missing features that everyone expects in a semi-pro camera at this point.
Chris Barcellos September 4th, 2012, 03:21 AM Chris Hurd already moved one thread about this rumor to area 51. expect this one to go too.j
Chris Joy September 4th, 2012, 05:37 AM Oops, missed that. I actually never knew Area 51 existed. Noted for the future, feel free to delete.
Betsy Moore September 4th, 2012, 09:55 AM I disagree with someone who trashed a particular Sony rumor site as "worse than useless." On average, that site has better info and harder facts on soon-to-be-announced cameras than an authorized Sony mouthpiece--who used to haunt (that's a polite word) this site years ago--had on Sony cameras that had already been released. When you're weighing in on whether to pull the trigger on spending thousands of dollars on a particular camera (and it's all the money in your savings), and information comes from a 98 percent reliable source that a better camera is about to be announced in a month, it's a terrible, terrible shame if that information and its source is censored, and ignorant of this information, you are forced to go ahead and buy the inferior camera only to find out too late that the one you needed was right around the corner. Everyone is entitled to their opinion about the exact value of rumors but if there's a rumor of a big layoff at your office, would you really not want to hear about it? How about if you were about to buy a house?
Chris Barcellos September 4th, 2012, 12:35 PM I think what this is about is a business model. has developed a reputation as a forum for serious users of equipment, covering just about everything out there. Chris Hurd has been careful to maintain professional standards on the site, and he doesn't put up with flaming posts. He also stays away from links other than to sponsors, in most cases. Rumor sites are just that. He allows us to discuss our own rumors in Area 51, but just doesn't allow linking to outside websites.
Remember, Chris may have a lot of knowledge that he is under Non-Disclosure agreement about, as he preps site for new gear coming out, and post about rumors of that gear could become an issue if he is not careful about it. I would much rather have his contacts with manufacturers to rely on at the time of announcement of gear, than guesses made by someone else beforehand.
Dave Blackhurst September 6th, 2012, 02:24 AM Considering that I usually hit "SAR" before I hit DVi anymore, I'd say that that site USUALLY does a fairly good job of sorting out the "rumors". Since I use Sony products, its nice to have a little "inside" info (which may or may not be 100% correct), as well as a site that is "dedicated", since there aren't a lot of "Sony" users (seems Canon gets a little more exposure here, but that's OK too).
The FF design supposedly comes with a new A mount adapter (so there's "native" glass, both new and used readily available). E mount will be "cropped", which seems rather a waste, but I've felt for a long time this whole "dual mount" thing was a bit of a strange situation. I've got A mount glass, and just can't quite jump on the E mount.
Sony has quite a few "aging" cameras that can be replaced, and the "consumer" side has a fast refresh cycle (VG series is lasting about a year). Consumer still and video cameras are rumored to be a dying market, what with "smart phones" with HD video and 8+ Mpixel cameras...
It wouldn't surprise me one bit that Sony is tossing out some "disruptive" camera designs, looking for a "hit"...
It's a tough market out there. I look at the TX100, a nice little pocket still cam that shoots 60p rather nicely, but wasn't a big market "hit' (great "bargain" for a "pocket cam", as they still can be found NEW for cheap) - the update was the TX200, a hugely overpriced "bling" camera, that I suspect will be blown out at a loss just to clear the shelves... The NEX series has been a surprise hit, and a big seller. They just released the RX100, which seems pricey, but is already proving to be a HUGE seller, and it's a "new" class of camera by all accounts.
On the video side, I don't think they are moving the higher end "consumer" models in quantity, and they may well be searching for a "big hit" that is unique and creates rather than "fills" a market niche, while capitalizing on both the "new" E mount and the "legacy" A mount. I'm interested... got A mount Alpha cameras (that shoot nice video too), but a more dedicated video format could catch my attention...
Companies manufacturing imaging devices HAVE to think a bit "crazy", as the mass consumer market is likely GONE to the phone (Sony is making some pretty cool new sensors, "announced" on SAR, for those, with HDR video built in, something I suspected and predicted a few months back in another thread on DVi, just didn't think it would be in a CELL PHONE sensor...). You have to ask "where is the market"?
ALL the manufacturers will have to innovate with designs that initially sound "nuts", but that's how "the next big thing" will come around...
Werner Graf September 6th, 2012, 04:21 AM New VG 30 leak
VG 30 & Power Zoom 18-200 mm
With Zoom Rocker at the Body and nothing other else new? Maybe al LANC Connection?
Next image leak. Here is the NEX-VG30! | sonyalpharumors (
R Geoff Baker September 6th, 2012, 07:19 AM Not exactly sure what Sony is thinking - it weakened the VG20 to the point where it didn't sell (apparently in an effort to protect the FS100) then brought out the AE50, a VG20 in a ENG body and (presumably) full manual controls.
The VG20 is (was) far from perfect -- I've used it a couple of times on the fringe of a shoot yet never bought one -- but I'm not sure why you'd suggest it didn't have 'full manual controls' -- leaving aside picture profiles, the VG20 does (did) offer full control of focus, aperture, shutter & gain. If the VG30 has upped the resolution on the viewfinder & offered the kind of picture profiling the VG10 had, I think I will buy one and keep it around for the alternate angles & quick and dirty work.