View Full Version : hand made arm

Serggio Lamas
August 26th, 2012, 12:58 PM
I make hand made steadycam i need help for arm glidecam flycam or any other arm
Does anyone knows users to tell me how many points are in an iron coming into the spring

Charles Papert
August 26th, 2012, 02:56 PM
Your best bet is the Homebuilt Stabilizers board:
The HBS Group - Index (

Chris Harding
August 27th, 2012, 05:13 AM
Hi Serggio

Take it from experience and buy just the arm and vest from Cine City..they will sell it to you without the sled! I have made a couple of DIY arms and the time and effort are not worth it. As Charles suggests go the the HBS forum and the guys there will give you a good insight in what it takes to build a decent arm..some take years to build an arm that works so the much easier way is to buy a ready-made one and re-engineer it to your specs. You will save heaps and time and even save money!!

Just for information each ProAim arm (I have a highly modded one) has an upper and lower bone and they attach to 8 thrust bearings at the end points at either end two of the bearings are joined with a roller shaft inside the bone and the two remaining shafts are static. The Dual springs are connected together by cable which wraps around the roller shafts and the end springs have adjustable threaded rod at each end to adjust tension....just getting someone to make the spring plugs alone is an issue and then you have to find the correct size aluminium channel ...The spring specs alone are a complex mathematical equation and you will end up having to get them specially wound..On my first modified arm I ever bought just getting a spring manufacturer to wind me 4 new springs cost me over $400!!!!

Once you take Charle's advice and visit the HBS forum you will see it's better to buy an arm and vest!!
