View Full Version : XH-A1 playback issue question. Please Help

Jay Jelliff
August 22nd, 2012, 12:04 PM
I have experienced a problem with playback, timecode not counting and sometimes the tapes just goes to a blue screen and stops. I'm using Panasonic tapes. It's happened 3 times, once at the very beginning of the tape and then was played fine after 4 minutes, the second was in the middle of a tape (11 minutes choppy from 13:00-24:00), and the third was the beginning of a tape 00:00-17:00. Two of the occurrences were outdoor filming, the third was an indoor studio interview. After an exhaustive internet search finding almost nothing on causes and correction, I found a youtube video that demonstrates what I am experiencing. At the 47 sec mark of the following video, the poster shows the LCD on the XH-A1 with an example of the video problem.

NEED HELP!! XH-A1 / Mini-DV Tape Problem - YouTube

Is it dirt, misaligned tapes or what? I have run a head cleaning tape after the first occurrence without success.

Any input would be appreciated.

Colin McDonald
August 22nd, 2012, 12:30 PM
Do the problems recur consistently (exactly the same place and fault) every time the tapes are played back on the XH-A1?

Have you tried playing back the tapes on another camera, and if so do you get the same results?

Are the tapes you are using all from the same batch?

Eric Olson
August 22nd, 2012, 12:47 PM
Are the tapes you are using all from the same batch?

This sounds like either a broken camera or a bad batch of tapes. It is easiest to check the tapes first. Clean the heads and try a 63 minute Sony HDV tape. If the problem goes away, the Panasonic tapes are either defective or counterfeit. Don't use them again as such tapes may damage the camera.

Jay Jelliff
August 22nd, 2012, 01:46 PM
The playback problem occurs in the same place on each tape. I have tried the tapes in my other XHA1 and 2 different HV30's. Same problem in the same place on each tape. I buy tapes 100 at a time (20 boxes of 5) and other tapes from the same batch have performed fine. I can also take the same tape, with the problem on it, and fast forward to a blank area of the tape and record/playback fine. I have always used the same Panasonic tapes. As for "a broken camera or bad tapes", yes. Considering those are the only two things involved, it certainly must be one of them. :) I was hoping to isolate the problem before I send in the camera for repair.. Hopefully, someone on here has seen this problem before and tell me what they found to be the cause.

I have run dozens of tapes through this camera and have yet to have it fail. So, 3 tapes out of the MANY I have used doesn't exactly constitute a consistent problem. I just never know when it's going to happen and I worry about shooting irreplaceable footage.

Colin McDonald
August 22nd, 2012, 02:06 PM
It sounds like the tapes, but you would only know that for sure if you had a similar problem with the other XH-A1 using another of the batch.

I have a Firestore for really important recordings where continuity on a single camera is critical so that I would have back up in the event of a dropout. It sounds like you have a similar possibility of using another camera connected through FireWire to do a simultaneous tape recording as a backup.

Sorry that's my best suggestion.

Jay Jelliff
August 22nd, 2012, 02:50 PM
Thanks, Colin. I guess I'll burn a few tapes from the batch through the other A1 and see if it suffers a similar problem before sending Camera 1 in for repair.

Noa Put
August 22nd, 2012, 04:39 PM
I just never know when it's going to happen and I worry about shooting irreplaceable footage.

The only option for that is to buy a external recorder, my xh-a1 is not being used that much anymore but have used it with a sony hvr-dr60 for about 3 years with no dropouts, I run tape for backup but actually have not got a clue if it records to dv tape without errors as I never had to use them.

Btw, the problem I see in the video looks very probably like a tape issue, I have had a similar experience loosing about 1 hours worth of church footage, I had about a hundred dropouts on a brandnew unused jvc dv63me tape, it happened right after I changed the tape and the camera never gave me any warning during recording, it was very cold and humid that day and warm and dry inside, I filmed with another tape when I got inside the church and changed tapes after about 5 minutes, that second tape got me into trouble. Right after that I bought the Sony recorder, best investment I ever made with that camera.

Chris Soucy
August 22nd, 2012, 06:40 PM
This sounds like yet another occurance of the dreaded BSOD (Blue Screen of Death).

Yes, it's possible it's just a fault with that one tape, the only way you can tell is to put it back in the camera, rewind it and then record right to the end and see if the problem reoccurs.

If it plays back fine after the second record, it's a BSOD.

Historically, the most common occurances has been either: when operators have been in a rush to change tapes due to ongoing performances, and not fully seating the tape in it's carrier, causing the tape to mistrack.

There is no warning and no indication things aren't working fine UNTILL it comes time to rewind and play it and, nothing! (This has been the most common documented reason).

Variants of this are newbies being a bit tentative or operators not really paying attention to what they were doing.

It is possible, if occurances become more and more often, that it indicates a pinch roller wear problem or other issue with the deck, but I've never seen a documented instance where that has definitely been fingered as the culprit.

And no, the mistracking that causes a BSOD removes too much data to resurect the I frames, though in most instances the GOP header frames, though currupted, can be seen in the viewfinder during Play/ FF.

Try the tape again and see what happens, then you'll know for sure.


Noa Put
August 23rd, 2012, 12:28 AM
That's the first I hear about it, my tape that had the problem recorded and play-backed just fine when I tested it afterwards so it definitely would have been such a "BSOD", interesting. And yes, I was in a hurry to exchange tape at that time :) Though I find it strange this would be the case as I have been doing that for years without an issue, I don't see how you can not fully seat a tape, it just slides in, you close the door and off it goes?

Jay Jelliff
August 23rd, 2012, 07:28 AM
This sounds like yet another occurance of the dreaded BSOD (Blue Screen of Death).

the only way you can tell is to put it back in the camera, rewind it and then record right to the end and see if the problem reoccurs.

If it plays back fine after the second record, it's a BSOD.


So, if it is the BSOD, is it the tape or the camera?

Chris Soucy
August 23rd, 2012, 03:24 PM
If it's a BSOD, it's neither the tape nor the's, er, you.

There is just enough clearance in all the tape transports I've investigated to allow the tape to not fully seat by anything up to 1/2mm.

Doesn't sound like much and isn't, but that's all that is required.

Interestingly, I've attempted to provoke a BSOD by deliberately mis - seating tapes in 3 seperate decks, over and over and over again. Not once has it done it, which means nothing except I simply wasn't doing it right, er, wrong, somehow.

There is another possible theory which I haven't bothered to explore as life's too short, and that is that the spool locks somehow haven't kept the tape tensioned for some reason, and it is that which has allowed the tape to mis - load.

This theory goes down the gurgler when matched to the "quick change" criteria that so many of these instances have in common, but it's a theory.

To reiterate, I've seen not one instance where tapes suffering from BSOD symptoms have had data successfully recovered from them from the original write, so don't get your hopes up.

Oh, and no, re - aligning the heads is not an answer, as, because of the tape mis - tracking during the write, the data WAS NEVER correctly written and simply is not there.


Chris Soucy
August 23rd, 2012, 04:30 PM
Oh, and no, re - aligning the heads is not an answer, as, because of the tape mis - tracking during the write, the data WAS NEVER correctly written and simply is not there.

To explain this in slightly more detail, the I frame build and error correction algorithms in HDV cameras are fiendishly clever and mind bogglingly complicated, using both look forward, look backward and numerous other ways to assemble data and correct it for the errors inherant in tape systems.

It has to be an incredibly robust system and can cope with numerous types and degrees of data loss.

HOWEVER, a BSOD error corrupts not only every I frame, but every GOP header frame as well, so that the look forward, look back algorithms simply do not have a "whole" frame anywhere to use as a basis for comparison.

This is way in excess of what the error correction system can fix, so it's "game over".

The GOP header frames still appear during play/ FF because, even though damaged, they were "whole frames" so the undamaged information is displayed, even though unusable for I frame rebuilding.

So, when I say "simply is not there", it's true even though it's not. Everybody got that?

Nope, thought not.


Chris Soucy
August 23rd, 2012, 11:07 PM

You'd think so, wouldn't you?

just slides in, you close the door and off it goes

Well, on occasions, it simply doesn't.

The worst case I can remember was a guy in Russia who'd shot either 5 or 7 tapes in sequence, all with quick changes.

Of that number, whatever it was, 3 tapes straight, in sequence, were afflicted by BSOD syndrome, total write offs.

It wasn't the tapes, later confirmed to work perfectly after another write/ read cycle.

Here, and on other sites out there, I've seen it happen with every HDV camera, from every manufacturer, and every single tape type.

It just happens, but usually with the "quick change" to the fore.

I've been watching this for the last 6 years at least (ever since HDV went live) and it's been a constant background noise from the start.

Rare, but it keeps happening.

Roll on solid state (and a whole lot of other problems).


Noa Put
August 24th, 2012, 01:52 AM
Eventhough I don't have to deal with it anymore I do find it interesting to hear another possible explanation for what happened that day, back then when I lost 1 hour footage I was able to capture the tape completely but had only short clips from a few frames to a few seconds. I did try to reconstruct what was left but it actually was just unusable, my only luck was I had an iriver on the groom and since that did not record directly to the camera I at least had something intact to work with. The sound on the tape was totally useless. Like I said when I recorded over that tape again it recorded just fine.

I had asked everyone I knew for an explanation and no-one every heared of something like this happening, they also couldn't understand why the camera didn't give any warning, the xh-a1 was only a few months old and all my tapes where only used once and taking out of it's wrapping when I used them. The only thing that came up was the weather condition, it was cold and humid outside and hot and dry inside and since I replaced the tape right after I got into church that sounded as a reason. But when I hear your explanation that sounds more like it.

Next time I have a recording problem I"ll come to you :)

Jay Jelliff
August 24th, 2012, 06:42 AM
If it's a BSOD, it's neither the tape nor the's, er, you.


Ok, that made me laugh out loud! I'm still smiling as I type. Thank you for your candor.

Now on to my dispute of that statement. On one of the three problem tapes, the problem occurred in the middle of the tape. The first 13 minutes recorded and played back for capture perfectly. At 13:04 the skipping began and at 24 minutes the skipping stopped and I captured the remainder of the tape without problem.

As I researched this problem on the web and waited for advice on here, I found advice to FF and rewind the tape several times before attempting playback. On another of the problem tapes where the skipping occurred at the beginning, I tried the FF/rewind solution. I FF and rewound the tape 4 times and initiated playback, surprisingly, I was able to play and capture the first 4 minutes of the tape that had the issue without problem. Subsequent attempts to play the tape resulted in the skipping returning.

I have been shooting HDV video with this camera and other AH-A1's for many years and have used literally hundreds of tapes. I have never had any problem and now suddenly I have 3 tapes in a month where the problem is uh, er, ME!?!? All the problem tapes came from the same camera and tapes from the same batch used in other XH-A1's and HV-30's have no problem. You see why I am suspicious that there is a problem with THIS camera??

I await your response.


Roger Van Duyn
August 24th, 2012, 09:26 AM
Any technology can fail. I used to work in labs where some of the equipment cost more than my house, and instruments would go down for various reasons. So, I learned the value of redundancy.

I shoot both to tape and an external recorder with my Canon XH-A1S and older Canon XH-A1. I've experienced occasional tape problems, and occasional problems with the recorder, but thankfully, both have never failed at the same time.

Lately, I've begun to suspect that quality control is starting to slip in the manufacturing process of the tapes. In a previous batch of 20 (Sony) tapes, 4 boxes of 5, I had two bad tapes. Both were from the same box. I don't know if the "batch" of twenty I bought all came from the same manufactured "batch." However, since the two tapes came from the same box, they were from the same batch.

I had switched from Panasonic to Sony back in 2008 because of several tape failures. I went almost a full three years until the same thing happened with Sony. Now, it's been more than a year without the problem recurring. I suspect your 3 bad tapes all came from the same manufacturing batch and slipped through whatever QC checks Panasonic employs at their plant.

Don Palomaki
August 27th, 2012, 03:48 AM
The playback problem occurs in the same place on each tape. I have tried the tapes in my other XHA1 and 2 different HV30's. Same problem in the same place on each tape.
Sounds like bad batch of tape. That it is on several tapes at the same point implies a manufacturing defect in the sheet from which the tapes were cut. (Tape is produced in wide sheets and then split to width, several tapes coming from the same sheet.

Higher priced tape within the same product line and source should have better quality control, but nothing is 100%.

Bill Thesken
August 27th, 2012, 02:35 PM
I've been having the same problem. I bought my last 5 pack of tapes about 4 months ago, and the camera started glitching. I thought it was just the camera, but now I'm not so sure. All 5 of the new tapes have the playback issue. Never had the problem before. It happens at random times, 60i, 30F, Maual, Auto, AV. Out of the 5 tapes I had about 1/4 with the glitch. It could be a bad batch. I may buy one new tape just to check, but I can't trust tapes anymore, I lost too much time and good footage. I put the camera on the shelf and am checking around for an external recorder so I can use the camera again with confidence.
I've used the same Sony tapes for 4 years and have been through about 35 of them.
The first photo has the bad 2012 tape on the right and a good 2008 tape on the left. Looks like the design has changed. The second photo is also from an '08 tape. Can anyone else compare the design of their tapes with these photos?

XHA1 defective footage - YouTube

Noa Put
August 27th, 2012, 02:50 PM
I guess this problem will only get worse, maybe because some major suppliers that produced tapes in the past, and that did extensive quality control, have stopped producing and production has shifted to "cheaper" supplier that don't invest that much in quality control anymore? Maybe buying and using cheaper materials to save on cost, make more profit.

An external recorder is by far the best solution, I stopped trusting tapes some years ago.

Don Palomaki
August 27th, 2012, 07:13 PM
I stopped trusting tapes some years ago.

FWIW: tape is still the preferred back-up media for data, and for archive purposes. It is boring and it works.

Tapes do tend to have dropouts, However, one can usually edit around a drop out.
Bit it is unusual for a tape to fail totally. (On the other hadn user failure - e.g., failure to do maintenance on the camcorder or to spot check tape performance during use, is common.)

I have encountered enough issues with SDHC/CF memory to trust them less than I trust tape. Tough to edit around a failed SDHC/CF card.

Jay Jelliff
September 5th, 2012, 11:19 AM
It is possible, if occurances become more and more often, that it indicates a pinch roller wear problem or other issue with the deck, but I've never seen a documented instance where that has definitely been fingered as the culprit.


Sent the camera to Canon. It was a BAD PINCH ROLLER. So, Chris....there's your first documented instance as this the culprit.

Chris Soucy
September 6th, 2012, 11:41 PM
Well, stuff me, it's been proved, yipee!

Someone's finally nailed another reason for this problem and actually documented it here on DVinfo.

You cannot imagine how pleased I am to hear, er, see, that the worn pinch roller scenario is true.

I think you should ask the mods to rename this thread "Worn pinch roller results in BSOD" or similar so it can be found, hey, these cameras will be around for years yet.

Heck, I've got 4 of them, and they aren't going anywhere, anytime soon.

Bloody well done, Jay, for reporting back here with that news, greatly appreciaed, by me especially, as I've taken such a keen interest in this problem since I first became aware of it.

Glad you've got a working camera back.


Brian Carlisle
September 7th, 2012, 06:52 AM
I had what looks like the same problem. I sent it to Canon and got it back a few weeks ago. They indicated on the paperwork that it was a misaligned tape path.

The repair cost was about $250.00.