James Kuhn
August 18th, 2012, 09:59 AM
Hi...I know this isn't 'news', but they're new to me. I purchased the subject windscreens based on a recommendation from another web forum. I'll be using them in conjunction with a matched pair of AKG C414 XLS. Wind noise reduction has been stated at -20 dB. I'm hoping the WS89s will provide a significantly better wind noise reduction than the stock AKG windscreens. The initial fit of the WS89s is snug, but definitely works and if looks mean anything, they 'look' like they'll do the job. "Form follows function", right? The price is somewhat daunting, especially for what is essentially a foam-rubber windscreen. I've seen them used by the White House Communications staff at the podium during outside locations events, if they're good enough for the WH, they're good enough for me.
Best regards,
Rick Reineke
August 18th, 2012, 11:58 AM
What kind of wind is the problem? Plosives? Outdoor?
The Neumann WS89 may not work as well as the standard AKG windscreen, since it's not specifically designed for the 414. A basket type windscreen enclosure with integral shock mount for the 414 used to be available, I recall the model was H17.
What the WH com staff uses is neither here nor there, since they are SM57s on the Pres. podium.
Now sold as the VIP series. FYI- 57s have been used since LBJ.
Benjamin Maas
August 18th, 2012, 01:54 PM
The stock 414 windscreens suck. They are thin and don't really block out much wind. The big circular screens from the older 414s (BULS) and such are better, but still not fantastic.
The Neumann windscreens are a bit overpriced, but IME they are far better that most stock screens. I'd also take a good look at the windtech screens. They are a lot less expensive and work almost as well.
James Kuhn
August 18th, 2012, 02:09 PM
Rick...the Neumans can be used in-conjunction with the AKG shockmount. The main reason I purchased the WS89 is to mitigate wind noise. My other option was to DIY a 'blimp' to handle both of my 414s, but that would be a fairly large device to carry around. This is the prefered 'fix' specific to the AKG C414 I read about on a different web forum. As far as the WH goes, you're correct, besides I was just going on what I saw, they may not be Neumans at all. Physically, the WS89s are much larger and thicker than the AKG OEM windscreens, so, if physical-size is any indicator, they should be more effective than the OEM windscreens.
Whether they really can mitigate wind noise by -20dB (as stated) we'll see. While anecdotal, those using the WS89s with the AKG C414 XLS seemed to notice a significant improvement in windy conditions.
Best regards,