Kenyon Gerbrandt
August 14th, 2012, 12:05 PM
Curious if anyone has switched from their MacPro to the new MBP with retina display and is using CS6? If so, would you recommend the transition? I'm currently on an early 2009 MacPro (2 x 2.26 Quad core Xeon processors with 16 GB memory and an NVIDIA GT120 card) and needing to upgrade my graphics card. I really, really, really need to be utilizing the Mercury Playback and looking into either a GTX 285 or Quadro 4000 GPU card. BUT this has me thinking about just dumping the Mac Pro and switching to a MBP? Any advice or comments related to this decision would be appreciated.
David Chapman
August 18th, 2012, 03:53 PM
I just made the switch from a 2010 tower to the rMBP for portability and thunderbolt. I guess with super intense renders it is only 8 threads compared to 12 with my 6-core, but I haven't seen any speed differences in almost all situations. The only issue with CS6 is the non-retina UI, but I'm in an external display most of the time. I also set the screen to "more space" which is 1650px instead of 1440 and I don't notice the bad UI unless I'm making pixel perfect graphics for web.
Kenyon Gerbrandt
August 18th, 2012, 04:42 PM
Thanks for the input David. Figured the UI would be somewhat an issue given the resolution. Think I read somewhere that Adobe was looking to release a retina update this fall sometime. It seems that Apple is definetly transitioning from the desktop to the pro level laptop. Just hard to pay desktop prices for a laptop.
Kenyon Gerbrandt
October 4th, 2012, 08:27 AM
Noticed in todays Premiere Pro update that retina UI support and CUDA support for the 650M card were added. Would be interested if those using PPr on a retina MBP notice any performance differences?