View Full Version : Document explaining the advantages/disadvantages of SLRs vs super 35mm video cameras

Bill Kerrigan
August 10th, 2012, 12:23 PM
I've found the number of producers asking for the 5D... is continuing to increase.

On a recent production... I shot with my FS700 and the producer/director used his 5D Mark lll.
When I viewed the final colour corrected edit... I found the FS700 looked much better.
More detail in the blacks... with no jello or moire effects.
A few of the director's shots, were wee bit soft... most likely due to the shallower depth of field of the full frame sensor.

I own a SLR capable of shooting video… but once you've experienced a 35mm video camera, you don't want to go back.

I'd like to find or create a document that explains in detail... the advantages and disadvantages of SLRs vs. super 35mm video cameras.

I'd prefer this information be related to the FS700 / FS100 / 5D Mark 1, Mark 2 and Mark 3.

I want it to be fair without bias…

Any ideas?

Bill Kerrigan DP

Chris Medico
August 10th, 2012, 12:27 PM
I would say take a swing at it yourself.

Write what you know. ;)

Simon Wood
August 10th, 2012, 12:43 PM
Well you are limiting yourself with your choices (why bother with the 5DMk1 BTW?).

The cameras I'm seeing at the moment:

The 5DMk2 is the one you see most often, along with the 7D. I'm seeing a lot of T2s and T3s too.
GH1 & GH2 - a few (not actually S35 either)
AF100 - not so much (not actually S35 either)
FS100 - a few.
FS700 and C300 - not so much (but they are still pretty new).
RED One - a few
RED Epic - a few.

Seems the internet is full of the pros and cons of DSLR's; it should be easy to rehash all that info:

DSLR Pros:
Light sensitive
Light weight
Cheap recording media
Relatively long battery life
Relatively robust (especially the 7D)
Easy to use a large selection of new or old lenses with adapters

DSLR Cons:
Non robust codec
Some have limited recoding length
Audio sucks
No Pro inputs (XLR etc)
No Pro outputs (HD/SDI, Timecode, Genlock)
Rolling Shutter
Soft image
No ND filters
No auto focus (not really a con but you hear it)
Requires a lot of rigging for moving shots
Fiddly controls
Lack of dynamic range

Well the 35mm video cameras should address some or most of the cons in the DSLR list; the more it addresses the better it is I guess...

Will Salley
August 12th, 2012, 09:26 PM
I can add, at least on the 5D, the irritating habit of kicking out of live view just when you need to check your shot.

Bill Kerrigan
August 15th, 2012, 07:57 AM
This is just a work in progress...
But next time I get a call for a 5D, I'm going to send them here.
Digital Cinematography (

Vito DeFilippo
August 18th, 2012, 09:19 PM
That's a nice comparison, Bill.

You might want to mention the FS700 in your opening paragraph, since that's the cam you want to promote.

Also (work in progress as you mention), you've let quite a few typos through. Send me the file if you want at:

vito (at) nosmallroles (dot) com

I'll fix the typos and send it back.


Bill Kerrigan
August 19th, 2012, 09:23 AM
Also (work in progress as you mention), you've let quite a few typos through.

Vito, I'll accept your offer... thank you.

I'm dyslexic, and posted the page quickly.
Normally I ask me wife to proof read when I'm in a hurry...

Vito DeFilippo
August 19th, 2012, 09:27 AM
Send it anytime. I'd be happy to check it.

I'm mildly dyslexic myself, so I feel your pain (in a mild way).

Bill Kerrigan
August 19th, 2012, 09:45 AM
The site is working...
Last week I convinced 2 multinational companies to go with the FS700, instead of a 5D.

Jim Michael
August 19th, 2012, 11:32 AM
You might consider creating a comparison matrix. Across the top list the cameras and then each row would reference a feature or physical property, e.g. frame rates. Then at a glance it would be possible to compare capabilities of each camera directly. Extra points for being able to add/remove cameras from the comparison.

Bill Kerrigan
August 19th, 2012, 12:52 PM
You might consider creating a comparison matrix. Across the top list the cameras and then each row would reference a feature or physical property, e.g. frame rates. Then at a glance it would be possible to compare capabilities of each camera directly. Extra points for being able to add/remove cameras from the comparison.

Good idea Jim, I'll think about how to fit it in.

The raison d'ętre of this page is to convince clients who ask for the 5D to except the FS700 instead.
I think I need to address the following questions, I'm often asked:

Is the image as good or better?
Will the image match the rest of our 5D footage?
Will it fit our workflow?
Will our editor know what to do with it?
Will it cost more?