View Full Version : Use Nikon lenses with FS700?
Tom Gresham August 9th, 2012, 03:37 PM I have a shelf full of Nikon lenses and was wondering fi there is 1. a mount for using them on the FS700 and 2. any reason not to.
I haven't seen any mention here of using Nikon lenses with this camera.
Morton Molyneux August 9th, 2012, 04:28 PM I also have a number of Nikon lenses that I use on an F3 as well as several Nikon still bodies.
I just received an inexpensive FotoDiox Nikkor (Including G-Type) Lenses to Sony Alpha NEX E-Mount ( number 10LA-NIK-NEX) adaptor for use on the FS700.
It works OK. Not as nice as the Optitek adapter I use on the F3 but it does let you control the G type lenses. So far I've only used it on a Tokina 11-16 nikon mount zoom and was quite please with it.
Will Salley August 9th, 2012, 06:05 PM I too have quite a few Nikons that I have used on a Letus adapter, and now plan to use for the 700. I bought the Novoflex adapter, which doesn't allow for any electronic transfer, so it's strictly manual. That suits my shooting style but I do recommend having the Nikons de-clicked and geared for use with a follow focus. The tight range of adjustment on the Nikons is my biggest complaint. Using the follow focus helps a bit. Properly de-clicked lenses work just fine back on the DSLR.
Bill Bruner August 9th, 2012, 10:14 PM Tom - I keep a $40 Nikon to NEX adapter on the shelf next to my Nikkors (along with Nikon to EOS and Nikon to m4/3 adapters), so I can use them with whatever body I'm using that day. Since (unlike EOS, Alpha and NEX lenses) most Nikkors have manual aperture rings, I end up using them with just about every camera I buy or rent. Great lenses. When the declicked Rokinon cine lenses are available, I'll rent them in Nikon mount.
Hybrid Camera Revolution (
Tom Gresham August 10th, 2012, 04:35 AM Thanks for the responses. Where can I have Nikon lenses "declicked"?
My plan would be to get the kit lens with the FS700, so I would have autofocus, follow focus and auto exposure (when needed), and use the collection of Nikons for most other uses.
Morton Molyneux August 10th, 2012, 09:28 AM Thanks for the responses. Where can I have Nikon lenses "declicked"?
My plan would be to get the kit lens with the FS700, so I would have autofocus, follow focus and auto exposure (when needed), and use the collection of Nikons for most other uses.
No need to have Nikons declicked with the Fotodiox adaptor that I bought. a bargain for $ 50.00 There is a aperture ring on the mount to let you steplessly control the aperture on Nikon lenses.
I also bought the FS700 with the standard lens. Then added the adaptor so I could use my collections of Nikon fast primes and zooms.
Also just received the Sony A mount adaptor and a Sony SAL 70-400.
Jaime Cruz September 6th, 2012, 09:46 PM Hi Morton,
May I ask, which of the fotodiox adapters you bought? I guess they offer several models.
Cees van Kempen September 7th, 2012, 03:34 AM Also just received the Sony A mount adaptor and a Sony SAL 70-400.
Does this lens keep its auto functions (autofoucus, auto iris) when used with the a mount adapter on the FS700?
Morton Molyneux September 7th, 2012, 08:09 PM Does this lens keep its auto functions (autofoucus, auto iris) when used with the a mount adapter on the FS700?
Yes, although I use it on manual. Here is a video by Andrew Young showing the auto focus being used with several Sony lenses.
4 Days with the Sony NEX-FS700 on Vimeo
Tom Gresham October 31st, 2012, 11:16 AM A followup report on the Fotodiox adapter for using Nikon lenses on the Sony NEX FS700.
It worked fine the first couple of times we had it out. Last week, the sun was at just the right, or wrong, angle, and it shined right on the tab which releases the lens from the mount. MASSIVE light leak! I can replicate it with a flashlight anytime.
We had to shoot with a hand on the lens, covering the tap to stop the light leak. Sure, gaffer's tape would work, but really, is that what we want to do?
So, once again, I relearn the "don't go cheap" lesson.
Need advice. Voigtlander, Novaflex, or MTF? Using a collection of older Nikon lenses and newer G-type Nikkors.
Vince Manganello October 31st, 2012, 01:43 PM I've been shooting with the fotodiox for a couple weeks now and haven't had a problem. Just shined a flashlight into the release, and same thing--huge light leak. Thanks for posting Tom. Looks like I'll need a new adapter too. I have another cheapie from Cowboy Studio, but it is very tight on lenses, and finicky to remove.
Matt Davis November 1st, 2012, 04:23 AM A followup report on the Fotodiox adapter [snip] Fuggitaboutit, once again, I relearn the "don't go cheap" lesson.
We've all been there. Just suffered this ignoble fate with rigging gear...
But... Nikon adaptors. I've been using the MTF which accepts any Nikon mount lens including the G series (of which I have two).
The worlds first Nikon G to Sony E Mount Adaptor (
These do have a baffle to prevent light leaks. Mine developed a little issue after a year's hard use and it was fixed by return of post for free - great service from MTF (note we're both UK based, though).
Or do what an (ahem) Scottish friend did, and put a wrist sweat band around the cheaper one with a bit of tin foil to cover the bit where the light leaks in.
Actually - a note about the MTF adaptor: its rotating ring will take you from wide open to f32 in about 30 degrees. You can lose half a stop by blowing on the ring, so there's a little tightening knob. So there is a minor fiddle, you'll need to learn its ways, but hey. G Nikkors on an FS700!
Frank Garrod December 9th, 2015, 08:07 AM We are new to the FS100/700 family and have 3 cams and have the need to have one cam using a wide angle zoom F2.8 with autofocus.. The 18-200PZ at 3.5 and ISO 6400 1/60th speed is not enough low light for use at some weddings. What lens company and adapter would you recommend for us the we can retain autofocus? We are not concerned with aperture control.
Thank you
Frank Garrod
Ryan Douthit December 9th, 2015, 12:25 PM I use Nikon lenses exclusively on my FS700 (with the exception of a couple native Sony Zeiss lenses) along with the Novoflex adaptor. No need to de-click the newer G lenses as the aperture dial on the Novoflex is smooth to begin with. My daily run-and-gun is the APS-C 17-55 f/2.8. It's a work-horse in all weather. I did buy a cheaper adaptor to start with, but it wasn't nearly as stable as the Novoflex, so I pretty much put it away for back-up use only.
Other Nikon lenses I use regularly on the FS700:
70-200mm F/2.8 VRII (can be used without support on the novoflex, but I prefer to support it.)
105mm f/2.8 Macro (awesome)
50mm 1.4 (small, and great in low-light.)
I also have the 16-35 f/4, but I don't care for the focus ring when operating manually, so it mainly stays on my D810.