View Full Version : Shhoting Flat with nikon d7k

Marcus Martell
August 5th, 2012, 02:06 AM
Hallo Guys,

Could you help me to set the flat profile on The d7k Please?

Garrett Low
August 5th, 2012, 09:19 AM
So far, the best I've found is the setting from Alvaro Yus:

Nikon D7000 Video Tricks – Picture Control | Alvaro Yus Audiovisual Productions (

Still need to keep the ISO low or noise becomes an issue but if you run it through a denoise program such as Neat Video you end up with pretty gradeable footage.

Marcus Martell
January 20th, 2013, 12:30 PM
Hey Garret what would you suggest to stay in wich range of ISO ?
MAx 800?

Garrett Low
January 27th, 2013, 02:09 AM
I've just recently switch over to using Tassin Flat which I find gives better latitude for color correction. As I'm usually using it as a B-Cam to my Sony EX3 or to shoot narrative projects the ability to color correct is a major concern. I find that Tassin Flat gives better skin tones as well. It is a bit more susceptible to noise so I really try to keep ISO settings below 500. I have pushed it to 800 but in most cases I'm running the footage through NeatVideo unless I can shoot at ISO320 or lower.

The Nikon DSLR's ISO settings don't have the same 160 multiples for cleaner footage like the Canon's do. With the Nikons the lower the better. If I can control lighting I would shoot for ISO100. If I'm shooting a movie with it that will be blown up to a big screen I'd shoot no higher than 320.

Garrett Low
January 27th, 2013, 02:23 AM
Forgot to also mention that I have the color space set to AdobeRGB so that it's captura wider color gamut. Beware though that your ungraded footage will look dull and even more washed out. You also need to know which output you will be going to so that you know how to correctly grade your footage. But, it can (can being the operative word) give you a better overall image if you are going to color correct or grade your footage.

Marcus Martell
January 31st, 2013, 05:36 AM
Thanks Garrett for your kind help!

Question, is there a folder that i could download with the tassin flat settings?
You said you use the Nikon as Bcam of your EX3; but i find the 24p of the nikon a limit for european production, do you shoot 24p either with the EX3 to match the footage?

Garrett Low
January 31st, 2013, 09:34 PM
Hi Marcus,

If you go to this link: Shoot flat on your Nikon D7000 and then edit flat in Final Cut Pro, grade in Color - ( you can download the picture profile and the LUT for FCP.

I do shoot 24p with my EX3 when I am going to be mixing it with footage from my D7000. I am contemplating stepping up to a D800 which would give me 30p capabilities as well as the ability to output clean HDMI so I could use my nanoFlash to bypass the AVC codec.

But, for the price of the D7000, once you get over it's quirky controls for video, you can get a pretty nice picture. I love it for still too.