View Full Version : Destination Wedding :|: {Plymouth MA} !!

Tim Bakland
August 2nd, 2012, 04:55 PM
Ok - so I admit, just having a little fun with "destination" title of the post -- just trying to get your attention.
(And please: no offense to you real destinationers -- your work is marvelous and I'm just having fun).

So: the real reason for the post. It's been one year now that I've started mixing in DSLR with XF300 footage and I'd love to have feedback on how the mix/blend is working. In this recent sample below, most is DSLR footage (don't hesitate to give feedback on that aspect alone, since I'm still getting used to DSLR), but I'm very interested with how you think the XF (vows and speech cutaways) footage fits into the look (and how it could be improved).

Thank you in advance - (I realize that the response to views ratio in this area of the forum is very low, so I'm not expecting a ton or responses -- but would greatly appreciate any thoughts.

Jordan Brindle
August 11th, 2012, 03:52 AM
I think the XF300 and DSLR footage flow quite seamlessly but i think you could do better with the overall color correction to help maintain that flow. With a shallow DOF it's hard to tell the difference but in some shots the DSLR is a little soft on the focus which shows it up to the XF300. But these are all things clients won't notice. Seems fine overall. I've been wondering the same lately, whether i can couple my Sony V1 with my 5D MKii but i just don't think it will work.

What DSLR are you using? Did you buy the XF300 for weddings or do you use it for other jobs/hobbies? It's a nice camera!

Tim Bakland
August 11th, 2012, 05:42 AM
Thanks for the helpful words! Yes, I really love the XF300. It's my main camera for events and is certainly the main ceremony camera for weddings. The T3i has become the details/prep/dark shots camera for weddings.