Aaron Dunlap
July 27th, 2012, 09:22 AM
I'm using 3 XL1's as live cameras for my church. We output the video from the cams to a Kramer VP747 which is then sent to several end points within the church for viewing, and also to a DVD burner to record the services live.
The problem is that there is about a 1/3 second delay from the camera to the monitors/dvd burner. Granted there is a lot going on between the source and the end points, but is there anything that can be done from the XL1 itself to lessen the amount of delay? (We are using the composite out from the camera).
Chris Medico
July 27th, 2012, 12:09 PM
No, you can't change the camera delay. If it is a problem with the DVD recording you need to add a matching audio delay.
Aaron Dunlap
July 27th, 2012, 03:00 PM
We are using a Yamaha MG124CX to mix the audio for our video. Do you know of a good way to set up a delay for the audio to match the video?
Don Palomaki
July 27th, 2012, 05:03 PM
Maybe run the live audio through the camcorder so it comes out with the video?
However, different latency in the video and audio encoding in a DVD recorder (or othe system) may result in odd result if the audio and video signals take different paths to the display device..
Aaron Dunlap
July 27th, 2012, 05:07 PM
The audio is coming from our main sound board through to our video sound board. We have a full band with multiple singers, etc. running from the audio out of the camera is not an option.
Eric Olson
July 27th, 2012, 08:30 PM
The audio is coming from our main sound board through to our video sound board. We have a full band with multiple singers, etc. running from the audio out of the camera is not an option.
Run the stereo mix from the sound board into one of the XL1's and the audio from that XL1 directly to the DVD recorder. This will delay the audio by the exact amount needed.
Aaron Dunlap
July 27th, 2012, 08:54 PM
I will give this a try!