View Full Version : Babylon 5 Complete Series.

Yi Fong Yu
September 12th, 2005, 08:44 AM
i just finished season1 and halfway through season2. this is one of the best series EVER EVER MADE!!! this is so awesome! there's so much detail from one episode that links heavily into another episode. at first the political intrigue was good, but then as the story begins to unfold and told, the tapestry gets larger and larger. i loved the coming of the "shadows". it takes a lot to kill just ONE of those bastards... i wonder how much they'll need to take down an entire fleet of them. i believe the vorlons will be a huge help in that regard. it's the only race with enough technology to take the shadow down. plus, i just loved the fleshed out backstories of all of the major characters.

anyone else a HUGE fan? i love this series.

Keith Loh
September 12th, 2005, 10:56 AM
I found them more interesting for the overall plotting (the arc) than for the individual episodes. I had problems with the casting and frequently the acting was really sub-par.

Yi Fong Yu
September 13th, 2005, 07:21 AM
how many episodes have you seen keith?

Keith Loh
September 13th, 2005, 11:56 PM
Probably around 10 to 15.

Colvin Eccleston
September 14th, 2005, 04:06 AM
My favourite sci fi series. What I liked most was that it was wriiten to come to a stop after so many series, so there was a definite end to the story. Each season, it took time to get used to the new faces but they soon became favourites. And a real plot!

Yi Fong Yu
September 14th, 2005, 09:28 AM
keith, you're missing alot =). the series was meant to be a linear progression from season1 episode 1 onwards. it'd be like reading a few chapters of fellowship in the middle, then a few in two towers, then a few chapters in return of the king. the series wasn't meant to have standalone episodes. it was meant to be seen as a serialized long saga (or SF soap, depending on your POV).

i loved all of the actors involved because they show their talents through different episodes you may have missed. they don't show it through every single episode. having gone through every single episode (season3, eipsode1) so far, all of the cast are very good actors. even the minor characters.

Keith Loh
September 14th, 2005, 09:56 AM
Yi Yong Fu, I didn't say whether I saw it from the beginning or in bits or pieces, did I? I did say I liked the arc writing.

Would it have sold me after sixteen episodes? Maybe 17? That's almost as long as an entire season on the Sci-Fi Channel. I think after seeing even five episodes of a particular series even in random order that is enough to gauge the quality of it. That's how Buffy grabbed me. I started watching in season five. Same with Stargate SG1 and the West Wing. I started seeing the Wire in season two.

How can I be missing something after watching 15 hours of it? That's a chance most viewers don't give anything.

Yi Fong Yu
September 14th, 2005, 11:07 AM
because it wasn't meant to be seen like that. all those other shows you mentioned were meant to be hour long shows. again, it's like watching star wars episode6 and judging the entire series with that.

and you didn't see it from the beginning, right? B5 starts with The Gathering the 1.5 hour or so pilot, not seaseon1, episode1.

the mythos didn't really kick in until the 18th episode voice in the wilderness. from thereon, it's nonstop.

i just think you're missing alot of good stuff =).

Keith Loh
September 14th, 2005, 04:13 PM
all those other shows you mentioned were meant to be hour long shows.

How many hours of The Wire have you seen?

Again, look back at my original post. I criticized the acting and casting AND I praised the arc writing, which is what you think I am missing out on. Well, I liked that but I disliked a lot of other elements.

I'm glad you are enjoying it. I don't hate it but before I call anything the best show ever I have to see a show that is solid all around.

Yi Fong Yu
September 19th, 2005, 02:43 PM
upto season4 now. it's still wicked awesome. it's like Lord of the Rings in SciFi.

Yi Fong Yu
September 28th, 2005, 08:30 AM
finished it. wow, what a breathtaking series. from the ups an downs, this is truly one of the groundbreaking SF shows to have come out EVER. nothing really compares to the true scope of how hardcore SF Babylon 5 is. you take thousands of years of histories and play it out and it is B5. no other SF show has ever made an attempt to catalogue and flesh out its own story in so much detail.