Richard Davidson
July 8th, 2012, 07:38 AM
I just purchased an EX1R and have been reading about the IR issues so I ask the question is this filter still recommended for shooting with an EX1R? I see that it uses a 77mm but how do I mount a screw in filter to the bayonet attachment? Does the bayonet unscrew from the lens of do you need an adapter? Kinda lost on that issue.
Thomas Nibler
July 8th, 2012, 01:38 PM
you dont need an adapter, you can just screw the filter in front of the lens!
(Actually there are very few things that fit to the ex1-bajonett...)
I own a heliopan-ir filter and im very happy with it, never had any problems... but as far as i know the tiffen t1 is the most recommended here!
Richard Davidson
July 8th, 2012, 03:00 PM
Right in front of my eyes, now I see how it screws into the lens.
Thanks filter on order
Gints Klimanis
July 9th, 2012, 05:09 PM
There is a thread comparing the various IR filters. Ultimately, I settled on the Schneider Optics Platinum IRND.3 . It is spectrally-neutral in the visible region at the cost of one full stop. The Platinum 1/2 Stop IR filter is the next best. Most reported color shift problems with the Tiffen T1 , B+W 486 and others at wide angles with other adapters as well as the inconvenience of needing a manual color balance.
Richard Davidson
July 10th, 2012, 08:12 AM
I read that thread and it seemed like there was no "great" solution as all three filters had some issue. I thought there was too much red in the Schneider while the Tiffen had more blue or a ever so slight green tint.
Gints Klimanis
July 10th, 2012, 07:31 PM
I listed two Schneiders. The Schneider Optics Platinum IRND.3 only shipped in May. If the thread discussing the "Red" Schneider is older than that, do you think the comment refers to the Platinum 1/2 Stop IR ?