Jesse James
July 7th, 2012, 01:41 PM
I'm kind of new to HD editing and everything was working good until a few months back. Using Panasonic GH2 camera HD video. Some videos render fine now, others generate crashes. Here are the details of the latest crash. I've tried rendering in 1080 and it just crashes. Rendering to 720 starts to render and then the complete bar just sticks at 4% and never moves. The video is 2 minutes long with a couple text title segments at the beginning and end. No copyprotected files are being used. If I just render a short 20 sec clip of this video it works just fine.Editing on an laptop with i7, Windows 7 Home edition. I tried editing the same files on my desktop and it crashed there too. Gotta be a setting of some sort? Or is there something I could have changed in the camera to hose things up? Thanks.
Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 9.0
Version 9.0b (Build 92)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) READ:0x0 IP:0x72C6500A
In Module 'MSVCR80.dll' at Address 0x72C50000 + 0x1500A
Thread: ProgMan ID=0xED8 Stack=0x6B2F000-0x6B30000
EAX=00473100 CS=0023 EIP=72c6500a EFLGS=00010212
EBX=00000000 SS=002b ESP=06b2f4ec EBP=06b2f4f4
ECX=0011cc40 DS=002b ESI=00000000 FS=0053
EDX=00000000 ES=002b EDI=7e3a00a8 GS=002b
Bytes at CS:EIP:
72C6500A: F3 A5 FF 24 95 24 51 C6 ...: 72 90 8B C7 BA 03 00 00 r.......
Stack Dump:
06B2F4EC: 00000000
06B2F4F0: 3AB4D2D0 3A0C0000 + A8D2D0
06B2F4F4: 06B2F868 06A30000 + FF868
06B2F4F8: 4DD474FA 4DD30000 + 174FA (wmfplug4.dll)
06B2F4FC: 7E3A00A8 7E3A0000 + A8
06B2F500: 00000000
06B2F504: 00473100 00400000 + 73100 (VegasMovieStudioPE90.exe)
06B2F508: 3775C850 375C0000 + 19C850
06B2F50C: 0E78F680 0E530000 + 25F680
06B2F510: 3AB96284 3A0C0000 + AD6284
06B2F514: 3AB96250 3A0C0000 + AD6250
06B2F518: 33564D57 332D0000 + 294D57
06B2F51C: 0067BDD8 00400000 + 27BDD8 (VegasMovieStudioPE90.exe)
06B2F520: 00000001
06B2F524: 00000008
06B2F528: 000005A0
> 06B2F55C: 00500000 00400000 + 100000 (VegasMovieStudioPE90.exe)
06B2F560: 00000000
06B2F564: 00000000
06B2F568: 00000064
06B2F56C: 00000000
> 06B2F5AC: 771A1029 77190000 + 11029 (KERNELBASE.dll)
> 06B2F5B8: 776AFF66 77690000 + 1FF66 (ntdll.dll)
> 06B2F5BC: 776D16EC 77690000 + 416EC (ntdll.dll)
> 06B2F5DC: 776D16C2 77690000 + 416C2 (ntdll.dll)
> 06B2F5F0: 771C6590 77190000 + 36590 (KERNELBASE.dll)
> 06B2F5FC: 771A10B4 77190000 + 110B4 (KERNELBASE.dll)
> 06B2F600: 771C693E 77190000 + 3693E (KERNELBASE.dll)
> 06B2F604: 771A12EF 77190000 + 112EF (KERNELBASE.dll)
> 06B2F61C: 00A03CE4 00400000 + 603CE4 (VegasMovieStudioPE90.exe)
06B2F620: 00000000
06B2F624: 00000000
06B2F628: 00000000
06B2F62C: 7EF94000 7EF92000 + 2000
> 06B2F638: 776C8CD8 77690000 + 38CD8 (ntdll.dll)
> 06B2F660: 01578008 014C0000 + B8008 (vegasmoviestudiope90k.dll)
06B2F664: 05953E90 05870000 + E3E90
06B2F668: 06B2F80C 06A30000 + FF80C
06B2F66C: 05953E88 05870000 + E3E88
06B2F670: 06B2F848 06A30000 + FF848
> 06B2F678: 006CA860 00400000 + 2CA860 (VegasMovieStudioPE90.exe)
- - -
06B2FFF0: 00000000
06B2FFF4: 005282F0 00400000 + 1282F0 (VegasMovieStudioPE90.exe)
06B2FFF8: 00AF3D58 00400000 + 6F3D58 (VegasMovieStudioPE90.exe)
06B2FFFC: 00000000
Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 9.0
Version 9.0b (Build 92)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) READ:0x0 IP:0x72C6500A
In Module 'MSVCR80.dll' at Address 0x72C50000 + 0x1500A
Thread: ProgMan ID=0xED8 Stack=0x6B2F000-0x6B30000
EAX=00473100 CS=0023 EIP=72c6500a EFLGS=00010212
EBX=00000000 SS=002b ESP=06b2f4ec EBP=06b2f4f4
ECX=0011cc40 DS=002b ESI=00000000 FS=0053
EDX=00000000 ES=002b EDI=7e3a00a8 GS=002b
Bytes at CS:EIP:
72C6500A: F3 A5 FF 24 95 24 51 C6 ...: 72 90 8B C7 BA 03 00 00 r.......
Stack Dump:
06B2F4EC: 00000000
06B2F4F0: 3AB4D2D0 3A0C0000 + A8D2D0
06B2F4F4: 06B2F868 06A30000 + FF868
06B2F4F8: 4DD474FA 4DD30000 + 174FA (wmfplug4.dll)
06B2F4FC: 7E3A00A8 7E3A0000 + A8
06B2F500: 00000000
06B2F504: 00473100 00400000 + 73100 (VegasMovieStudioPE90.exe)
06B2F508: 3775C850 375C0000 + 19C850
06B2F50C: 0E78F680 0E530000 + 25F680
06B2F510: 3AB96284 3A0C0000 + AD6284
06B2F514: 3AB96250 3A0C0000 + AD6250
06B2F518: 33564D57 332D0000 + 294D57
06B2F51C: 0067BDD8 00400000 + 27BDD8 (VegasMovieStudioPE90.exe)
06B2F520: 00000001
06B2F524: 00000008
06B2F528: 000005A0
> 06B2F55C: 00500000 00400000 + 100000 (VegasMovieStudioPE90.exe)
06B2F560: 00000000
06B2F564: 00000000
06B2F568: 00000064
06B2F56C: 00000000
> 06B2F5AC: 771A1029 77190000 + 11029 (KERNELBASE.dll)
> 06B2F5B8: 776AFF66 77690000 + 1FF66 (ntdll.dll)
> 06B2F5BC: 776D16EC 77690000 + 416EC (ntdll.dll)
> 06B2F5DC: 776D16C2 77690000 + 416C2 (ntdll.dll)
> 06B2F5F0: 771C6590 77190000 + 36590 (KERNELBASE.dll)
> 06B2F5FC: 771A10B4 77190000 + 110B4 (KERNELBASE.dll)
> 06B2F600: 771C693E 77190000 + 3693E (KERNELBASE.dll)
> 06B2F604: 771A12EF 77190000 + 112EF (KERNELBASE.dll)
> 06B2F61C: 00A03CE4 00400000 + 603CE4 (VegasMovieStudioPE90.exe)
06B2F620: 00000000
06B2F624: 00000000
06B2F628: 00000000
06B2F62C: 7EF94000 7EF92000 + 2000
> 06B2F638: 776C8CD8 77690000 + 38CD8 (ntdll.dll)
> 06B2F660: 01578008 014C0000 + B8008 (vegasmoviestudiope90k.dll)
06B2F664: 05953E90 05870000 + E3E90
06B2F668: 06B2F80C 06A30000 + FF80C
06B2F66C: 05953E88 05870000 + E3E88
06B2F670: 06B2F848 06A30000 + FF848
> 06B2F678: 006CA860 00400000 + 2CA860 (VegasMovieStudioPE90.exe)
- - -
06B2FFF0: 00000000
06B2FFF4: 005282F0 00400000 + 1282F0 (VegasMovieStudioPE90.exe)
06B2FFF8: 00AF3D58 00400000 + 6F3D58 (VegasMovieStudioPE90.exe)
06B2FFFC: 00000000