View Full Version : ignorance knows no bounds....what's a wrapper??

Mark Slade
July 6th, 2012, 01:20 PM
With ver 1.1 firmware.....HBR mode is 1080/30p in a 60i wrapper on NTSC models. What the hell does this mean to me and how do I handle it editing (Edius). Do I set up an interlaced project or progressive??


Jeff Hinson
July 6th, 2012, 01:47 PM
wrapper: Digital container format - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (

I use Premier Pro....I select the 1080 P30 for my GH2
Editing mode: AVCHD 1080p square pixel
Timebase: 29.97fps

Video Settings
Frame size: 1920h 1080v (1.0000)
Frame rate: 29.97 frames/second
Pixel Aspect Ratio: Square Pixels (1.0)
Fields: No Fields (Progressive Scan)

Audio Settings
Sample rate: 48000 samples/second

Mark Slade
July 6th, 2012, 06:00 PM
Thanks Jeff. Don't know why I couldn't find that searching. Reason I asked is I tried the Cluster 6 hack with HBR today. The hack worked OK but Stream Parser showed it as 1080/60i....same as the un-hacked footage with the ver 1.0 firmware(no HBR), and I was trying to figure out what was going on since HBR is supposed to be 1080/30p. Probably have to slip over to the Edius forums to make sure I set that up correctly.


Don Litten
July 6th, 2012, 08:14 PM
What did you think of the 6's Mark?
I tried his latest 6 today and wasn't real impressed. The color seemed dead and didn't come out well in GHears.

I won't replace Flow Motion 2.2 with it.

Mark Slade
July 6th, 2012, 09:40 PM
Hey Don....before I hacked it I shot some stuff around the front yard....grass, trees...porch railings.....and the same stuff after hack. To be honest I don't see much of a difference if any at all. I really haven't peeped it really good yet though. Just want to see what hacking will do to make my corp stuff look better(if at all).
This whole 60i wrapper has me wondering what my presets should be in I make it progressive....interlaced....too many questions!!


Don Litten
July 7th, 2012, 01:21 AM
I'm like Jeff, II use PP and would set it fot 1080I 30 ...if I ever used HBR, which I don't. It's kinda a useless setting for what I do.

If you really want to see a difference in one of the settings, try CM night. That will amaze you but it does require a 95mb card.

In the settings that will work reliably with standard class 10 cards, I'd recommend Sanity 5 or Flow Motion 2.2..
Good color and grain and especially with FM2.2 , little noise at night.

I don't care for the new Cluster series. The original Cluster was a pretty good low light setting and was tack sharp in good light.

This is the Old Cluster.

Driftwood cluster1 test on Vimeo