View Full Version : Need Program To Rename .MTS Files
Dennis Vogel June 28th, 2012, 09:12 PM I'm looking for a simple program to rename GH2 .MTS files. As you know, each time you insert a new SD card into the GH2 and shoot AVCHD video, it starts file names from 00000. If you're using multiple cards you cannot easily copy video files from multiple cards into the same folder. You must manually rename files from the 2nd, 3rd, etc. cards or copy them to different folders. I like to keep them all in one folder.
What I'd like to do is do a file rename from the standard 00000.MTS, 00001.MTS, etc. names used by the GH2 to something with time and date the video was shot, such as YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS, eg., 201206-143522. That way it's possible to mix files from multiple cards plus have a file name that conveys some meaning. A batch rename feature would be nice, too.
I'm assuming the date/time info is kept in a header within .MTS files. of course.
Anyone know of such a thing? Failing that, is the format of Panasonic GH2 .MTS files available? I might take a crack at it myself if I knew the file layout and could find where the date/time info is kept.
Bob Richardson June 29th, 2012, 12:05 AM You didn't mention if you were using Windows/Linux/MacOS, but if you're on a Mac check out "A Better Finder Rename", which I use often to rename batches of GH2 files to match various schemes related to a project.
Jeff Hinson June 29th, 2012, 01:06 AM If you have Adobe can use that.
Photoshop CS4 Tutorial: Batch Renaming Files in Adobe Bridge - YouTube
Gordon Hoffman June 29th, 2012, 07:46 AM Dennis
If you're on a PC do a search for GH1 File Importer. A fellow on another forum wrote a free program that does just what you are asking for. Works good on GH1/2 files renaming them into another folder. Will also do the picture files at the same time if you want.
Dave Rochelle June 29th, 2012, 10:40 AM Thanks for that tip about using Bridge, Jeff. All these years I've never delved into using Bridge, you can bet I will now.
Jeff Hinson July 1st, 2012, 02:17 AM You're welcome Dave..
There are so many things in Adobe PP Ive yet to explore after using it for years. The only time I open it, is during a project, and that is not the time to experiment. ha
Ive yet to understand After Effects. Ive started many times and gave up frustrated. No telling what good things lie in the software we already have, but have not taking time to discover.
Dennis Vogel July 1st, 2012, 02:34 PM Thanks for all the replies. Sorry I didn't mention but I'm on a PC and I don't have Adobe Bridge, only Photoshop Elements 10.
Gordon, I will search for that File Importer program. Sounds like exactly what I need.
Although there is a way to specify a path to a file in the program, it appears I cannot use it to change the names of files I've already copied from my GH2 SD card to my hard drive. It looks useful for future videos and stills, it can't help me with the files I already have on my hard drive. Or am I missing something?
Bruce Foreman July 1st, 2012, 08:56 PM I copy the MTS files straight from the card (using a reader) to a "temporary" folder on my internal hard drive, review a few with VLC so I know about what the material is (scenes involved) then using Windows Explorer I mark them all and do a "batch rename" using the project name with something that also identifies what was shot that session in general, and then copy everything to project named folders on two separate external hard drives.
Verify the copy to external drives was "good", then delete all in the "temporary" folder on the internal drive.
Repeat with the next card.
I try to use filenames that will help me in the editing phase by giving more of a clue as to what is in each clip than simply using dates or something like that. Planning ahead for what filenames to use helps a lot.
Don Litten July 2nd, 2012, 06:31 AM You're welcome Dave..
There are so many things in Adobe PP Ive yet to explore after using it for years. The only time I open it, is during a project, and that is not the time to experiment. ha
Ive yet to understand After Effects. Ive started many times and gave up frustrated. No telling what good things lie in the software we already have, but have not taking time to discover.
You should start a thread on that Jeff.
I was the same. I used Avid and hardly ever opened PP or AE until I got the GH2's
I wouldn't trade either for anything now, especially AE with Color GHears plug in.
Back on topic...I use Ant Renamer. Small, free, simple and...did I say free.
Jeff Harper July 2nd, 2012, 07:02 AM Renaming the video files from a card is the simplest thing to do and no program is required. I do it every job with hundreds of clips and it takes seconds to do.
Using windows, you can rename the files on the card or after you have moved them to a folder on your hard drive.
You simply open the folder in Windows, highlight all the clips by selecting the first one, and then going to the last clip and holding shift key. At this point all the clips should be selected. Then you right click on the first clip, and the pop up menu opens - select Rename. Type a new name, then move your mouse from the clip and click outside the folder to end this step.
Then your clips will be automatically renamed in sequence. Mine come out like this: Smithcam1 (1) Smithcam1 (2) etc. I do this for every card. I put the date of the shoot on the folder holding my clips, not on the clips themselves so my folder is titled Smith06-22-12. Hope this helps.
Chris Duczynski July 2nd, 2012, 05:29 PM wow easy thanks Jeff !!
But just going back a step. Rather than put all the files into one folder - I always label the folder by the card eg, card 1, 2. I've never had a problem with duplicate file names.
It's quicker sorting and opening, neater and easier to follow chronologically, rather than having 500 files in one folder. Then when you "reveal in project" from the timeline (PPro users) - it's simple.
Anyway - I'm sure either is fine.
Angelo Ucciferri July 8th, 2012, 01:54 AM The program "Name Changer" was recommended by Ben Giles:
MRR Software (
as seen in this thread:
It seems to be Mac only, but I figured I'd share it with the group.