Art Willig
June 22nd, 2012, 01:52 PM
I used Vegas Pro 10 to make a production. However, after burning a DVD, I noticed a 5 second scene which runs reversed comes out the fields have been reversed. I just looked at the scene and not only does it say reversed which is good, it has under envelopes "transition Progress" checked. Could this be the problem when the rest is BFF? I really can't be burning discs to find out.
Edward Troxel
June 22nd, 2012, 02:23 PM
I'm betting if you changed it from LFF to UFF (or vice versa - i.e. the opposite of whatever it is now) that it would come out OK. Because the reversed it, it could be interpreting the frames backwards.
Art Willig
June 22nd, 2012, 03:11 PM
I think you're right. I looked it up after your suggestion. Vegas reverses the field, too.
"With deinterlace method set to "none", Vegas assumes that the video is progressive and therefore doesn't have to do the re-processing."
This is why it automatically has under envelopes "transition Progress" checked. I unchecked it.
I now have deinterlacing set it to "interpolate" instead of "none" and will burn a test disc tonight.