View Full Version : Gh2 settings for web delivery...

Jerry Neal
June 20th, 2012, 10:50 PM

I primarily shoot for delivery on the web. Therefore, I'm assuming shooting in 720P makes the most sense, as most web-based video hosting sites are 720.

However, I'm curious if there are any advantages to shooting everything in 1080. Does it make sense to shoot in the highest resolution possible regardless of how the end project is delivered. Is the overall quality going to be better shooting in 1080 even if it is eventually converted to 720?

I Appreciate everyone's thoughts and feedback.

Chip Thome
June 21st, 2012, 12:57 AM
I've still got my GH1 and it is hacked to simple B settings. Like you, everything I do is for internet viewing via one of the video sites. I personally think 720 on my GH1 looks a hint better than 1080 does. That's what I shoot in.

Some time back when I was doing a lot of bar band promo clips, I found the quality of how the video was created (stability, zooms, audio, editing etc) far outweighed the cams I was using, as far as the audience was concerned. I have continued using that same barometer now shooting with the GH1.

So my suggestion, pick what you think looks good with as much quality as you wish to present and your audience will notice.

I shot this when I got that first GH2 shortly after they were being introduced. IMO it does kinda make a statement that sometimes we put way more emphasis on gear than maybe we really ought to. :-)

Panasonic GH2 and Panasonic TA1 Tripod Comparision Test on Vimeo