View Full Version : Focal lenghts of EX1/3 stock lens vs 35mm lenses

Brian Cassar
June 18th, 2012, 02:13 PM
I wonder whether someone is able to answer the following query:

I would like to know what is the maximum wide angle setting and the maximum telephoto setting of the stock lens of the EX1/EX3 when compared to full sensor Canon 5D II. I shoot a lot of event videos and would like to see what equivalent 35mm lenses would I need in order to film the same way with the EX cameras. I know about all the other problematic issues with the Mark 2 but at the moment I am interested to sort out the lenses issue.


Doug Jensen
June 18th, 2012, 02:48 PM
You might find this FoV comparison helpful that Andy Shipsides at AbelCine created.
AbelCine - Field of View Calculator (

The focal length of the EX1R and EX3 stock lens is: 5.8 mm to 81.2 mm

Zoran Vincic
June 19th, 2012, 02:27 AM
35mm equivalent for the stock Fuji lens is 31 - 438 mm

Brian Cassar
June 19th, 2012, 03:54 AM
Thanks to you both, Doug and Zoran. I wonder whether you are able to tell me (slightly off topic) what iso equivalent would an ex1/3 be at 0db, at 6db and 9db?

Doug Jensen
June 19th, 2012, 07:21 AM
Now you have hit on a pet peeve of mine. You can't rate a video camera for ISO unless you also know exactly what the picture profile settings are -- because the picture profile settings have a direct effect on sensivity and what the proper exposure should be. And if you want to rate the camera with PP turned off, who cares? You'd have to be a fool to shoot with any Sony camera's factory-default settings. Even if you're going to shoot flat and grade in post, there are still PP settings that need to be changed.

So, if you want to compare an EX1R/3 to a 5D, then you'd have to get out your light meter and determine for yourself with the PP settings that you'll be using.