View Full Version : Older revisions of SD 302/720

Tom Morrow
June 18th, 2012, 10:04 AM
I'm looking into buying a used Sound Devices 302 mixer and/or 702 recorder.

Does anyone know where I can find info about what has changed over the years on these models, to help me determine if there's anything important I would miss out on by buying used rather than new?

For instance the current 302 manual lists version number v3.6 for the setup menu, and the software doesn't seem upgradeable. The 702 recorder has upgradeable firmware. I know the Mixpre and 552 had a power connector change and I'm wondering if there were any such hardware changes with the 302 or 702.

Rick Reineke
June 18th, 2012, 01:28 PM
AFAIK, any firmware updates on the 302 must be done by the 'mothership' The only 'hardware' change of recent memory is the battery-tube cover retainer chain. That is replaced when an older 302 is sent in for any kind of service, I would think the firmware would be updated as well if needed.
I'm not familiar with 702 updates. I'm sure Jon and other nice folks at SD would give you the complete story if asked.

James Kuhn
June 20th, 2012, 08:31 AM
Tom...the Sound-Devices SD-302 is a stable design, meaning most potential bugs have been resolved over time with hardware and FW upgrades. I guess it depends on how old a version you're planning on purchasing.

My issue before purchasing a new SD-302 was, "Is it too long in the tooth? Would SD be releasing a new, updated version during NAB '2012?" As we all know now, that didn't happen. Quite frankly, in my case, it really didn't matter. This is my first field mixer and a perfect platform to learn on and hone my mixing skills.

Bottom line? The SD-302 is a great piece of audio kit! The 'rainbow' LED meter is worth the asking price all on its own. I think a 'pre-owned' SD-302, in good shape, is a wise investment.


