View Full Version : One woman burned, one blown up!

Chris Sgaraglino
June 14th, 2012, 10:51 PM
As a filmmaker, I am always worrying about my crew and their safety.

Today, we need to take a few and say a prayer for the families of a Discovery Channel shoot.

Yesterday during the Discovery Channel shoot out at Dragon Man's (huge & popular shooting range in Colorado Spings) a woman was severely burned - and worse yet, this evening a woman was blown-up and killed form a malfunctioning orrdance.

Employee killed by explosion at Dragon Man's | News - Home (

This is a reminder for all us indy guys out there... Pay attention and watch what your crew I'd doing!

Chris Sgaraglino
June 14th, 2012, 11:01 PM
Dragon Man's was recently (Feb 2012) featured on Larry the Cable Guy


Chris Sgaraglino
June 15th, 2012, 06:40 PM
Gruesome does not begin to describe what happened, we just found out tonight that it was Terry, Mel (Dragon Mans) wife and a friend of the family that was killed.

Simon Wood
June 16th, 2012, 01:53 AM
While it remains to be seen what was the actual cause of the mishap; looking at the Cable Guy clip it looks like that place was an accident waiting to happen in one way or the other.

People walking in front of flamethrowers, weapons not pointed downrange, Dragon Man telling him not to touch the trigger on a technical as it "might be loaded".

Those home made rockets they built also made it look like it was just a question of time. Harsh but true.

Martin Catt
June 16th, 2012, 12:41 PM
Watched the video. Even allowing for the fact that I --KNOW-- it was edited for comic effect, all I have to say is:

GADS, what IDIOTS!!!

Why are these fools even alive? I know -- some of them aren't now. If I ever saw that kind of jackassery at any shooting range I frequent, I'd be packed and gone immediately.
